« on: December 13, 2014, 12:22:29 PM » |
I noticed in a recent email a mention of scheduling the Unclog to run at intervals whilst away say on holiday.
OK, but this would require leaving the computer and printer fired up and running. in this set-up the printer heads would not 'park' and I wonder if this would cause problems on my R1900 with a CIS system.
Comments appreciated before I 'suck it an see' and give it a try.
Fred A
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2014, 12:29:16 PM » |
OK, but this would require leaving the computer and printer fired up and running. in this set-up the printer heads would not 'park' and I wonder if this would cause problems on my R1900 with a CIS system Hi Jeff, The NO-No is to kill the power to the printer (many people have the printer plugged into a power strip) from a main power source and not turn off the switch on the printer first to park the heads. Never had a problem leaving the printer on.... On the CIS system, I have no experience. Maybe someone else can chime in. Fred
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2014, 02:10:55 PM » |
I have the Epson 3880.
It was faulty OOB so I had a visit from their London engineer. An easy fix and I think half the machines have the problem when they leave the factory.
Nothing to do with my problem but what he advised was to take out the maintenance cartridge and put a sponge soaked with water in the slot. I found a rectangular tray that would hold some water and put a similar sized sponge in it.
Then you turn off the machine correctly and this will keep the critical area moist whilst it is not in use. In theory!
Also these guys have access to factory ink at sometimes quite attractive prices so they are worth making friends with.
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2014, 04:23:21 PM » |
OK, but this would require leaving the computer and printer fired up and running. in this set-up the printer heads would not 'park' and I wonder if this would cause problems on my R1900 with a CIS system Hi Jeff, The NO-No is to kill the power to the printer (many people have the printer plugged into a power strip) from a main power source and not turn off the switch on the printer first to park the heads. Never had a problem leaving the printer on.... On the CIS system, I have no experience. Maybe someone else can chime in. Fred I have got the printer working ok on the 2 year old ink. The main object is to keep it that way. Shortly will buy fresh ink. The printer is always powered, (there is no power switch on printer) If I leave it in ready to print during periods of non use I presume that will cause problems. Jeff
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2014, 05:58:03 PM » |
You saw my suggestion about the sponge and water.
The same Epson engineer said that the dates on their ink cartridges were ridiculously conservative. Two year old would not worry him at all.
Consequently I buy out of date on eBay quite often.

Posts: 11
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2014, 01:26:38 PM » |
My R1900 also has no problems whatsoever with 2 year old inks (original Epson). I once had a severe clog of the cyan channel. Cleaning cycles did not help, using cleaning catridges (filled with IPA judging by the smell of my prints) helped a bit, and it was finally solved by soaking the sponge with distilled water and letting the printer rest for a few nights that way (turned off/heads parked).
« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2014, 03:02:27 PM » |
Some of my R2000 inks are nearly 4 years old and no problems at all! See screen shot below. They are from Amazon bought as a multi pack. I was told they are from new printers used by Chinese T-Shirt transfer makers who use a CIS and do not require the cartridges. Terry
« Last Edit: December 14, 2014, 03:31:48 PM by Terry-M »
« Reply #7 on: December 14, 2014, 03:29:39 PM » |
Some of my R2000 inks are nearly 4 years old and now problems at all! See screen shot below. They are from Amazon bought as a multi pack. I was told they are from new printers used by Chinese T-Shirt transfer makers who use a CIS and do not require the cartridges. Terry
I think the age of the bulk ink becomes a factor when it is left in the bottle for a length of time the solids seem to settle to bottom of bottle, well, mine did and required a vigorous shaking. The small tanks supplying the actual printer are supposed to be shaken 'now and then' I do this after a print session to allow resettlement before next session. I think my now and then were not frequent enough and with about 3 or four other problems it took a bit of sorting out. I could not find the problem with my munki custom print profiles. so deleted them and now run on paper manufacture profiles or let the Epson get on with it. I am almost out of ink and will create new profiles with a fresh ink supply. Getting quite decent prints, one got 19 out of 20 points at club last week  Jeff
« Reply #8 on: December 14, 2014, 03:37:31 PM » |
Hi Jeff, and required a vigorous shaking. Interestingly, the R2000 shakes the whole carriage now and again by moving it back & forth a small amount very rapidly. Getting quite decent prints, one got 19 out of 20 points at club last week Well done, are you going to show us the image then? I managed second place in a competition for a panel of 3 prints last week, this represents the panel:
Fred A
« Reply #9 on: December 14, 2014, 04:14:59 PM » |
Well done, are you going to show us the image then? Did Jeff tell you that Barbara's brother, Jeff's brother-in-law was the judge? fred
« Reply #10 on: December 15, 2014, 08:24:02 AM » |
Well done, are you going to show us the image then? Did Jeff tell you that Barbara's brother, Jeff's brother-in-law was the judge? fred Both our parents were single child parents, when they saw us both sets of parents decided enough was enough. jeff
« Reply #11 on: December 15, 2014, 08:29:05 AM » |
Hi Jeff, It was my Christmas card image. All done in QUltimate Jeff
« Reply #12 on: December 15, 2014, 08:31:39 AM » |
Addnl info
Taken from the Bernina Express May this year.
Fred A
« Reply #13 on: December 15, 2014, 10:36:51 AM » |
Both our parents were single child parents, when they saw us both sets of parents decided enough was enough.
jeff LOL You win! PS I told you days ago that yourf card was wonderfully done. ... and for the record, I keep a number of your scenic pictures because they are so good. Like This!!!! Fred
« Reply #14 on: December 15, 2014, 03:25:14 PM » |
Thanks Fred
You are too kind.