There are a couple of things that would improve it. It would be good if you could remove words from the search. At the moment if you change your mind/mistype/alter slightly you have to close the search down and start again with the blue binoculars.
It would be also very useful if search terms could be remembered and used with a drop down box to save using add each time and remind you what on earth you used to label things.
Hi John.
I can help with one of the issues.
If you want to delete a search work for any reason. typo, or just want to get rid of it, Highlight it and hit the Delete Key on the keyboard.
The other issue; remembering what the heck I used for a keyword.... LOL I have the same problem.
Maybe a drop down of the last 10 used?
Would that be any good.
I don't know.
What if the one I can't remember was the 11th?