the blue dot has turned red when I set Print Sharpening to USM, this is to indicate there is incompatibility with the image Editor sharpen mode.
The above is just one of the interface improvements.
Two more that you may not have noticed or checked, see screen shots below.
A + sign appears on an Editor tab when something there has been adjusted; that helps to remind you what edits you have done.
The Blemish red-eye tool is a little different; the mouse can now be dragged in any direction to remove a blemish or red-eye.
PS. I almost forgot one really useful new button

the one that open the Raw Refine screen.
See the 3rd attachment below.
Very handy if you need to tweak Exposure, Fill. HDR or WB while making conventional edits.

Another item... The CLEAR button in the Editor which was hardly used because it cleared all adjustments, has now become a selective clear.
Choose what you want to clear and leave the good adjustments in place.
See 4th attachment below.