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Author Topic: v2015.107 issues/comments  (Read 20805 times)
Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #15 on: November 04, 2014, 03:43:44 PM »

It's just that QU has a very obscure way of saving an edited image (to later give away) in the File menu.  I understand "Print" and "Save," but "Print to File" and "Print to Printer" (Very redundant!) just to save an edited image in QU seems very odd and laborious.  Then one has to hit the "Print" button tab to Save the image in yet another pop-up box.  Then locating it in a {Q}Print file when most other software just apply their extension in a "Save image" like _DxO.tif or _copy.tif or _01.tif or even _copy_copy_.tif (or _.psd) as onONe does on multiple edits.  And once done in QU, then one has to go back to check "Print to Printer" to put it back into printing mode.

Wish the software had an easier way of saving our altered Qimage files than changing the pull-down to read "Print to File" and then the need again to hit "Print" again to assign it into a folder to save and see it.  Then having to go back in and alter it to "Print to Printer" to send it to the printer.  Seems a lot of wasted effort for a simple "Save image" and "Print to File" makes no sense at all.  You print or you don't, but a "Print to file?"

Let's all be friends, OK?
The reason why our (Terry and my) answers might sound a little annoyed is because you always present your question as a veiled attack on Qimage.
I am not saying that a person is not allowed to gripe about Qimage. On the contrary, that's how a lot of improvements are made.
What I am saying is from about all your previous posts, you rarely ask a clean question.
'What is the easiest way to:"
Anyone know if I can add 6 mat borders to a print?

Instead you attack Qimage before you ask how do I do something.  (See Quotes above)
I am not really concerned if you delight in running Qimage Ultimate blindfolded, but I am concerned that new users will read your posts and believe  what you write before they learn the software.

In my opinion, it would have been easier on all had you explained what you wanted to do....
"I would like to know the best way to make a JPG or a TIFF after I edit the image. (No borders or text)"

So you lead us, who are really trying to help, astray with all the tales of Print to File and back and pressing Print twice, etc etc.
It takes us 4 posts to really figure out what you are looking for.
During the 4 posts, your method is to repeat and repeat your original complaint which was not on point anyway.

By that time, we are frustrated trying to get through to you because you have made up your mind that the fault in is Qimage, and not yours!

Terry is a very nice person and a very smart person... and even puts up with me.

We all learn by asking.   When I don't know the answer, and it's a Q question, usually something to do with a quirky install, I call Mike.

Please, let's all be friends and help one another.

« Last Edit: November 04, 2014, 03:45:25 PM by Fred A » Logged
Full Member
Posts: 224

« Reply #16 on: November 04, 2014, 05:05:17 PM »

Fred, I thought my first query on how to save (easily) was clear enough.  You've quoted my frustration later too with Terry's addendums to the simple question.

Terry entered with a bunch of other stuff I do not care about so I responded to clairfy.  I just want an easy way to Save a edited image.  Seems it then went off the rails with you feeding into his tangent stream of thought as well.  Note that I did not even mention things like floating texts, mats, etc.  I didn't even mention any of that, just seeking an easy way to Save a image is all I wanted which seems obscure from the Main window and it is in the Edit one.

My frustration results from making my "Save" into a big production with all the other QU candy I do not use.  Terry's first response was "Why are you doing P2F to save an image?"  Cripes!  That is what I want to avoid.  Seems easy enough, but he took it off the rails and added a bunch of sundry stuff I could care less about.  It took you to come up with an easier way from within the Edit window and that's all that I wanted.

My final "How it should have been done" would have sufficed.  Why you guys entered with all the other sundry stuff to add onto a simple Save was not necessary at all and makes it far more complex to sort through.

"The Edit window has the TIFF and JPG Save to image in there" is all that was needed.  Notice to I mentioned someone may come up with a way to do it in the editor, just I didn't find it until you brought it up - and at which point you also tried to go on making it seem harder in PS too which I understand.

I'm out.

Forum Superhero
Posts: 4271

« Reply #17 on: November 04, 2014, 06:20:28 PM »

Looks like this one is solved: if you want to save an image that you are editing, use "File", "Save As" in the image editor.

It helps to remember that QU is software that is designed to handle multiple object types.  In PS, you don't have to worry about that because you have one type of object (an image) and you can open an image, edit an image, save an image, or print an image.  That's basically it: and generally you only open/edit/save/print one image at a time as PS is not a batch processing tool (hence the "File", "Open" mentality... when you open PS, you are already in the image editor).

In QU, we have images, prints, jobs, batch processing, page formatting, borders, mats, floating text, copyright/signature, page background color, database search, and much more.  So the key is to remember where you are and what you are working with.  The print-to-file features are there because sometimes you want to create JPEG's or TIFF's of your pages and/or your prints, so just by the name of the feature, you know that print-to-file deals with print attributes (on the page) and doesn't deal with the image itself.  If you want to edit and save an image, you do that in the image editor.  If you want to edit or change the appearance of the printed page, you use the page editor.

So yes, the file menu on the main window is going to be different from the file menu on the image editor, for the same reason the file menu in Bridge when you use "Browse in Bridge" in PS is different than the file menu in PS: you have two windows open, both have file menus, and both menus are completely different: they are context driven.  On the QU main window, you are using a batch processing and printing tool so the options on that menu relate to batch processing and printing (load job, printer setup, etc.).  On the image editor, the file menu has options that deal with editing an image, because that's what you are doing in that window.

Realizing the difference between image and print objects should help.  If you're looking for a way to save an image you edited, the function you are looking for probably doesn't start with "print to...".  You'd be looking for "image" related tools like Edit Image or Convert Images.  If you are looking for a way to replicate the print as you see it on the page by saving it to a file, you'd probably be looking for "print to file".  And so on.

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