114 (due out Thursday) should fix that. Thanks for the report.
Thank you Mike.
I have installed 114. I guess it is solved but I might have a special problem anyway. In the recall window of 112, 113 and 114, the first 1, 2 or 3 logged jobs show images from different jobs. It is after those jobs say number 4 that the job images are shown and loaded correctly. The last start and finish job do not show images at all and the finish job is always a Print to File one, while that was not the way I left QU.
When I open one of those first jobs not all are loaded and an error appears:
"Scan line index out of range" or "Division by zero"
I guess my log file is too long meanwhile or corrupted but deleting several jobs there does not solve it.
Met vriendelijke groet, Ernst
http://www.pigment-print.com/spectralplots/spectrumviz_1.htmNovember 2016 update, 700+ inkjet media white spectral plots