Very helpful Video Fred

However ....
One for Mike probably ...
I've checked out the new Job Recall feature where the images are no longer in their original location, it works well. I probably won't use it a great deal but it make life easier as I do move the previous year's images to different hard drives for archiving.
I wondered how it would work if the job had images archived on removable media like a DVD. I have a significant number of images stored on DVD's, most of which have been included in the QU Database.
If I do a normal database search using part of a folder name (mine have the date and subject) and the use DVD drive letter as the folder, a result soon appears giving me the CD name etc.
As a test I created a simple print to file job from an old image in a folder on a DVD.
If I recalled the job with the DVD in the drive, it was found ok. If the DVD was not in the drive, it could not be found. Not good as I wouldn't normally know which DVD to load.
The top level folder (and sub folders?) appear to be recorded in the database.
Is it possible that a the search from job data could include information so that the correct DVD could be located?
Maybe I'm not understanding something?