Hello there,
I've just downloaded and installed the trial version v2024.101 and I'm having an issue with the preview image displayed. I'm having the same symptoms that sync007 was having in the thread started Dec 19 2018. Photoshop, Lightroom and every other program I have that displays images is showing them fine. I have printed an image and that has come out just like an image I printed with Lightroom earlier today. Like sync007 and thanks to him I can use the work around that he did (clicking on soft-proof preview). I've attached a couple of uncropped RAW 22.7mb files. These images taken by phone are off my 3840x2160 monitor. They are both non soft-proof and soft-proofed the difference you'll agree is plain to see. This occurs with every image I've tried to test with over several RAW formats (Sony, Olympus and Panasonic), Tiffs and JPEG. I've set my thumbnails to their largest and thumb and preview quality to best. I've rebuilt the thumbs and the Global Filter is off. Quality for screen views and small prints is on full, and Raw thumbnails and cache is checked on cache w/fast thumbnail priority.
Can anybody help please?
The attached images have had to be resized to be able to post and are now JPEGs. Now down to one file showing the Pixelated image.
Thanks in advance
