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Author Topic: Canon Pro 10 30mm forced border work-around with fine art papers  (Read 40043 times)
Full Member
Posts: 163

« Reply #30 on: February 11, 2019, 07:14:57 PM »

OK<thanks for the update,also,when I use "photo paper Pro Premium Matte in my media setting-I'm still getting the 30mm paper setting.
This is turning into a big joke.
Why can't canon just delete this stupid wide border issue and update their software, Jesus.

Full Member
Posts: 163

« Reply #31 on: February 11, 2019, 08:02:30 PM »

Mike-can you give me the link,or,video,to the Qimage hack???

Forum Superhero
Posts: 4271

« Reply #32 on: February 11, 2019, 08:21:53 PM »

You have to use the software hack in Qimage to get rid of the borders.  The instructions are:

Note: this may look complicated but you only need to do these steps/checks once.  Once it works, you can save the setup in Qimage and name it something like "PPP Premium Matte - 30mm hack" and recall it next time: then you only need to perform steps 5-9 below each subsequent time.  That basically amounts to recalling the setup, adding prints, clicking the print button, and then right clicking the "Cancel Print" button when the Canon error message pops up to perform the hack that automatically closes that Canon error window and forces the print job to continue.

(1) Use "Properties" to set up your driver: select Photo Paper Pro Premium Matte, set quality settings, color management, etc.  Select your paper size, for example, 8.5x11.
(2) Click "OK" in the driver to accept driver settings.  The driver will force you to pick a paper size with the 30mm margins: that's fine, let it do that (see next step).
(3) Now that the driver has forced the 30mm margins, override it by dropping down "Media Size" on Qimage's main window and re-select the size you want (for example Letter 8.5x11).
(4) Do not open "Properties" to access the driver after this step but if you have to, you'll have to repeat steps 2 and 3 when you close the driver.
(5) Add prints as usual and click print to print the job. See *Important note* below before actually printing.
(6) When the prints are processed by Qimage, you'll get a message from the driver that it needs 30mm margins. Leave that error message on screen and proceed to next step.
(7) Right click the Cancel Printing button in Qimage: the top right-most button on the Qimage main window that has a printer with an X through it.
(8 ) You'll get a system administrator message from your computer requesting permission to perform the "hack": click Yes on that to accept.
(9) The Canon media error message will go away and the job will start printing: see *How to Use the Software Hack* to see what to expect while printing and how the hack works.

*Important Note*

Before printing, check the "Printers and Settings" tab on the Qimage main window and be sure the "Res" parameter lists "Max (600 PPI)" as the print resolution.  If you see "Max (600 PPI)" in that setting, skip this step but if you see anything other than "Max (600 PPI)", you have to take these additional steps to ensure the driver is set up for the above task.  If "Res" is anything other than "Max (600 PPI)":

(1) First drop down the "Res" setting and see if you have a "Max (600 PPI)" selection: maybe you just have it set to "High (300 PPI)" and you can change it to "Max (600 PPI)" instead.
(2) If you see "Max (1200 PPI)", you need to click "Properties", go into the driver, go to the Page Setup tab, click the "Print Options" button, and set "Prevention of Print Data Loss" to "Weak".
(3) If you see something like "Max (960 PPI), you selected scaling in the driver: go into the driver, click the Page Setup tab, and click "Normal Size" under Page Layout.
(4) If you see something like "Max (610 PPI) or something just over 600 PPI, you are in borderless mode.  Uncheck borderless in the driver: borderless has not been tested with the hack.
(5) If you had to do any of (2), (3), or (4), you'll have to repeat steps (2) and (3) from the prior list up top to override the 30mm margins since the driver will force that on you when you exit the driver.

*How to Use the Software Hack*

When you right click the "Cancel Printing" button in Qimage to initiate the hack (you do this after clicking print and after you see the Canon error message about wrong media size), the software hack will close that Canon error window (the error window saying you need a paper size with 30mm margins) and once that Canon error window disappears on its own (don't close it manually), printing will proceed normally on your Pro-10 without the 30mm margins.  It will likely take somewhere between 10-30 seconds for the printer to actually start printing.  Keep in mind that if you don't already have the matte paper loaded in the rear tray, the form feed button will blink and you'll have to load a sheet manually at this point and click the form feed button on the printer for printing to start.  This is normal and it does this even if you are printing normally (with 30mm margins) without the hack.  The difference when using the hack is: you have to know what to do because the Canon driver will not give you the little popup messages that say "Load paper in rear tray and then press the feed button".  That's because the software hack in step 7 basically says "GO AWAY Canon driver... let Windows process this job now".  So the Canon driver gets disconnected so it can no longer throw messages but as a side effect, you also no longer get the Canon hint windows that give you hints about what to do like "load paper in rear tray".  That shouldn't be a problem if you are familiar with the process: you just have to perform the same steps as if the popups had told you what to do.

Once again when you click print and you see that Canon media error message, never close that Canon media error message by clicking "OK" or closing the window yourself: you have to leave that error window open so that the software hack (right clicking the Cancel Printing button) will force that error window closed on its own.

« Last Edit: February 12, 2019, 03:39:26 PM by admin » Logged
Full Member
Posts: 163

« Reply #33 on: February 12, 2019, 01:39:41 PM »

Morning Mike & Fred,
Thanks for all your patience & help with this.
You guys are the best!!!

Jr. Member
Posts: 87

« Reply #34 on: February 12, 2019, 11:31:47 PM »

Mike, I tried this on Pro-1000 (25mm border).  I get message on printer “Processing...please wait momentarily”, but it has been at least 10 min. With no change.

Any thoughts
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4271

« Reply #35 on: February 13, 2019, 02:55:07 AM »

It's designed for the Pro-1, Pro-10, and Pro-100.  The Pro-1000 doesn't need it because the driver allows you to turn off the margin warning in the driver.  In the driver: Page Setup tab, Print Options button, and check the box at the bottom that says "Cancel the safety margin regulation for paper size".

Jr. Member
Posts: 87

« Reply #36 on: February 13, 2019, 03:23:00 AM »

Thank you “master” 😀
Posts: 5

« Reply #37 on: May 16, 2020, 03:51:23 PM »

Use "Properties" to set up your driver: select Photo Paper Pro Premium Matte,

>> Is the use of that particular media *required* (there's magic in the code for that) or can I pick other FA type media (like FA Smooth)Huh?
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4271

« Reply #38 on: May 16, 2020, 03:56:02 PM »

Any of the FA papers should work.

Posts: 1

« Reply #39 on: June 08, 2020, 02:56:06 PM »

Is there any way to get this work-around to work with the Mac version of Qimage (or any other way to get it to work on a Mac)? I can't see a cancel print button on there.

Thanks, James
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4271

« Reply #40 on: June 08, 2020, 03:21:53 PM »

The workaround relies on the Windows spooler so it will not work on a Mac.

Roy Sletcher
Posts: 47

« Reply #41 on: June 10, 2020, 06:12:35 PM »

It's designed for the Pro-1, Pro-10, and Pro-100.  The Pro-1000 doesn't need it because the driver allows you to turn off the margin warning in the driver.  In the driver: Page Setup tab, Print Options button, and check the box at the bottom that says "Cancel the safety margin regulation for paper size".


Is this definitely applicable to the Pro-100 which only has BLACK, GRAY, and LIGHT GRAY cartridges?

The method works as described on my Pro-100, but to my eyes the resultant print does not show any enhancements over straight matte paper using a regular profile. Possibly it is paper related. I am using Precision Color inks and tested on Red River Polar Matte.

If I am missing something I am happy to revisit my workflow, but don't want to vanish done a rabbit hole for less than marginal returns.

This site is an excellent resource for learning all the "wrinkles" to using Qimage to the Ultimate.

Thanks for all the help and keep safe.

Roy Sletcher

Forum Superhero
Posts: 4271

« Reply #42 on: June 10, 2020, 10:16:40 PM »

I've not noticed much of a difference on my Pro-100 either, but the fact that they have a specific paper type for presentation matte and fine art papers would suggest they have tweaked the ink densities for those papers.  If nothing else, at least it allows you to select the correct paper type and use the workaround.

Posts: 1

« Reply #43 on: February 16, 2023, 10:44:54 PM »

Mike, I would first like to thank you very much for the great information you have provided on this issue. I got this software hack to work for borders on fine art paper.

I would like to add something to your steps for the procedure that I found. I could NOT get your procedure to work WHEN I HAD THE DRIVER SET TO PREVIEW IMAGE. As soon as I unchecked this box in the driver, your procedure worked perfectly.

Thanks again very much.
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4271

« Reply #44 on: February 17, 2023, 01:43:42 AM »

Thanks for the report.  I don't remember testing it with the preview enabled so I'm glad you let us know.

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