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Author Topic: Image profiles  (Read 7642 times)
Posts: 12

« on: March 28, 2012, 10:38:28 AM »

When I look at "Image information" in Qimage I notice that many of my images have an srgb profile while others say they have no profile.  For printing, which is correct, if "No profile", how do I remove it.

Thanks in advance.
Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2012, 10:58:32 AM »

When I look at "Image information" in Qimage I notice that many of my images have an srgb profile while others say they have no profile.  For printing, which is correct, if "No profile", how do I remove it.

The operative word is no EMBEDDED profile!
Depending on how and where the image was created/converted, the image might have an embedded color profile. It could also have a tag of a profile which tells Qimage what colorspace to use.
If Qimage sees an Embedded profile, it honors it. If it sees a tag, it will honor it.
If is sees no profile, it will use sRGB as a default.
The trick is to look at the lower left of the Qimage main screen; the area called THE HOT BAR. (Unfortunately, no girls there) Smiley

As you hover the mouse pointer over a thumbnail, you can see the assigned color space that Qimage is using for that image.
If there are asterisks before and after the color space profile, that tells you i was embedded into the image header.
See screen snaps!
035shows ADOBE RGB EMBEDDED in the image.
036 shows a profile not embedded, but applied
035 shows the information box indicating that the previous screen snap applied the RGB space even though there was no profile information provided.

Hope I was clear/

For printing, which is correct, if "No profile", how do I remove it.

You will have to explain this question a little clearer for me to understand what you are trying to do.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2012, 02:23:41 PM by Fred A » Logged
Posts: 12

« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2012, 10:25:57 PM »

Thanks Fred, what I'm really asking is do any embedded profiles interfere with the printing.  For example if I have an image with an sRGB profile showing in Qimage, will it print the same as the same image with no profile embedded?  In both cases I would be using the same printer profile.

The last bit of the question was how do you remove any embedded profile from an image?
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2012, 10:53:16 PM »

For example if I have an image with an sRGB profile showing in Qimage, will it print the same as the same image with no profile embedded?  In both cases I would be using the same printer profile.

Yes,  An image must be im some color space in order to see it.
The default for an image with no embedded profile is to apply RGB color space. Therefore they both will be the same/

The last bit of the question was how do you remove any embedded profile from an image?

You can easily change embedded profiles in Qimage using CREATE image and Profile to Profile conversion.
To remove an embedded profile is trickier.
I  really don't know why you would want to remove it since every image needs to open in a color space, and being able to change the embedded color profile at will, you have full flexibility.

But if you want to remove an embedded profile:

1) Put the image with the embedded profile into the  queue. (You are sure there's an embedded profile because Qimage shows two asterisks surrounding the profile name in the Hot Bar of Qimage)

2) Open the Image Editor screen and click on the browse button next to the box marked ICC Over ride.

3) Select the standard RGB profile or any profile.

4) Click  DONE.

5) When the save box opens, put a dot in Create New image,  Select JPG or TIF.....

6) Click OK

That's it.


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