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Author Topic: sharpening workflow feedback  (Read 9478 times)
Posts: 13

« on: August 19, 2009, 08:00:12 AM »


I am seeking some sharpening workflow feedback from users

This is a quote from Mike Chaney that I read in a forum:
“The bottom line is that you want to sharpen the image itself (the original, before any resampling) so that it looks as sharp as it "should" look at 100% zoom. At that point, sharpness is correct on screen so all you have to do is set the final print sharpening in Qimage so that you get a print that looks as sharp as its screen counterpart.”

This advice is a little different to what I have followed in the past. I thought you should not resample a sharpened file as it would magnify sharpening artifacts.
(although I don’t know if sharpening resampling artifacts is really any better!!)

1. I take Mike’s comment above to mean that I could use a product like nik sharpener to sharpen the image at its native size, and then save a flattened version as my sharpened (but not resampled) print original.

2. I can then print this file in qimage which will perform resampling and print sharpening using the smartsharpen function. This would prevent me from having to save multiple (resampled and sharpened) print versions of the same image for different sizes as I currently do.

I understand that qimage can also handle step 1 but I am leaving my options open at this stage. Also,I am not sure how to save a 100% screen sharpened file in qimage.

So, have I understood the workflow properly?

« Last Edit: August 19, 2009, 01:11:18 PM by SANDPIPER » Logged
The Honourable Metric Mann
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Posts: 3251

« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2009, 09:10:51 AM »

This advice is a little different to what I have followed in the past
I'm pretty sure Mike's advice is the best, he really is an expert, especially on re-sampling  Smiley
Using Qimage means that your workflow can be very much simplified and the use of external programs eliminated.  Cool

Also,I am not sure how to save a 100% screen sharpened file in qimage.
If you look at my reply to your other post, you'll see that you don't have to, the USM filter is a separate file stored in the image folder.

It's the same with different print sizes, one image (the original size), does all.


Fred A
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« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2009, 09:24:46 AM »

... and to add to Terry's correct answer is another item that should better explain where you stand with Qimage.
As Terry said, Mike is the resident expert; He wrote the book!
Once youyr image is all sharpened to your best judgement, you are set to print. The little extra part has to do with resizing and concern about artifacts..
Qimage has a resizing slider for setting the quality level *you* enjoy.
If you have small cropped pieces that might show artifacts when enlarged, then you set your resampling slider to the NO Artifacts side.
Conversely, I use a setting half way between Low and Medium as I like my stuff a certain way too.
You can find this slider adjustment in EDIT, Printing Preferences, Interpolation.
When used in conjunction with Hybrid, wonderful prints. If your work benefits from an artifactless interpolation, then use Hybrid SE in conjunction with the Antialias slider.

Have fun!
Sr. Member
Posts: 322

« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2009, 02:32:36 PM »


Mike's advice follows along with many other advisors on digital and color management. 

Bruce Fraser also said the first thing to do with an image is an initial sharpen.   That one is only to bring it back to a film level sharpen that is taken away by the filter and interpolation at the sensor. 

The only time I turn in-camera sharpen to Normal or above is at a fast working news event where speed exceeds the need for quality.  Never for my stuff.

The only thing (sharpening wise) you cannot do in QI is localize sharpening as a tool.

<CWO4 (FMF) USN, Ret.>
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« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2009, 04:42:32 PM »


I always work in the Raw, format that is.

So in Qimage I

Preference > Raw Format Option I have unsharp mask rad1@75% to put a small amount of sharpening in at start.

Then in Adjust > Rad2 @ 125% - that is my default, if it does not look right adjust as necessary 2/125 is the starting point

Then I have Job Properties set to Sharp 5 Default.  This just ads a little extra sharpening to prints.

These general values appear to put just the 'right' amount of sharpening into my Landscape shots. 

If I want differentional sharpening say background/foreground then I have to use Elem. 7


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