Once the e-mail copies have been produced, accept the option to go to the {Q}E-mail folder and then "Explore". Next, select the images & create the zip from the right click menu. Finally, select and right click the zip folder and choose "Send To" your e-mail program.
Not as neat as a "dot in the box" but it saves you opening Explorer outside of Qimage.
Terry, what a brilliant idea you gave me. For some reason, I never even thought of that.
I must tell you though, my setup works even better and slicker.
No need for explore current folder from Utilities. I open Folders in Qimage and .....
I right click on the {Q}email folder that contains the images, and I have a selection that says, PKZIP; add to archive new or existing; or ZIP and EMAIL!
One click, I get a zip save box. I name my zip file, and click SAVE. All done!
Q saves in the same folder or you can choose a different one.
Thanks for adding that zip feature so quickly, Mike!

Seriously for a moment! Isn't it wonderful how a simple exchange of ideas can produce a new facility in a wonderful program like Qimage?