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Author Topic: Unable to print multiple pages with QImage v2010.208, HP Z3200, Win7 64bit  (Read 6669 times)
Posts: 1

« on: June 11, 2010, 08:39:40 PM »

Hi all,
after I purchased a new computer with Win7 64bit and running the latest QImage Version v2010.208 I have the problem that I cannot print multiple pages from a job with QImage.
The QImage processing runs perfectly, even the HP print preview shows the expected results. But when sending the data to the network printer Z3200 the job fails and is deleted. I cannot find an error message or sort of that anywhere.
Printing the same job page after page (print from page 2 to page 2, page 3 to page 3, and so on...) works fine.
Printing multiple pages from Lightroom on the same machine works perfectly.
On my previous computer I ran Win7 32bit and a slightly earlier version of QImage (v2010.xxx) and printing multiple pages worked fine.
So is this a problem by the current QImage version?

Thanks for any advice!
Ernst Dinkla
Sr. Member
Posts: 410

« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2010, 09:16:33 PM »

Hi all,
after I purchased a new computer with Win7 64bit and running the latest QImage Version v2010.208 I have the problem that I cannot print multiple pages from a job with QImage.
The QImage processing runs perfectly, even the HP print preview shows the expected results. But when sending the data to the network printer Z3200 the job fails and is deleted. I cannot find an error message or sort of that anywhere.
Printing the same job page after page (print from page 2 to page 2, page 3 to page 3, and so on...) works fine.
Printing multiple pages from Lightroom on the same machine works perfectly.
On my previous computer I ran Win7 32bit and a slightly earlier version of QImage (v2010.xxx) and printing multiple pages worked fine.
So is this a problem by the current QImage version?

Thanks for any advice!

With Vista 64, Qimage of several versions and a Z3200-PS fed with the PCL3 driver I experienced that I could print 10 print pages right after another but not 11. Same behavior as you describe.

met vriendelijke groeten, Ernst Dinkla

Try: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Wide_Inkjet_Printers/
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Posts: 4278

« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2010, 11:33:42 PM »

HP drivers have always had problems handling large amounts of data.  The Z3100, Z3200, B9180, and B8850 are the biggest culprits as their drivers are prone to data bottlenecks.  This article and the articles linked within will give you all available tips so you can finesse the HP drivers into working their best:


Please read the articles, but the first things to try with HP printers are:

(1) In "Edit", "Preferences", "Printing Options" in Qimage, try both "raw" and "EMF" spooling options at the bottom to see if your HP driver is happier with one or the other.

(2) HP drivers tend not to be backward compatible.  Try "Help", "Reset Printer Settings" in Qimage and then set your driver settings manually the next time into Qimage: do not recall previously saved settings or jobs as they may be incompatible.

(3) In the HP driver, make sure no "effects" are selected such as those found on the "HP Digital Photography" tab in some drivers.  HP printers simply cannot handle the amount of data associated with anything more than very small prints in conjunction with certain types of auto-contrast type features in the driver.

Unfortunately, after that, you're into Windows spooler and network queue issues: both of which (and more) are covered in the troubleshooting articles linked inside the URL above.

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