Hi John,
If the vertical and horizontal borders could be different this would be an easy thing.
No, this is not possible using the Borders feature in Qimage I'm afraid
I'm having a little difficulty in visualising what you are trying to achieve.
When you talk about "borders" are you referring to the Border 1 and 2 feature in Qimage, or merely the white space between the edge of the print and the edge of the paper?
Are you wanting, for example, to have the image part of the print, offset towards the top of the paper?
The problem with this is that it uses way too much ink on the part I will be cutting away.
Not sure what you mean here, please explain further. Are you talking about cutting off some of the border, is it white or coloured?
Perhaps you could post an attachment image of what you want to do, a picture paints a thousand words!
the convenience of automatic scaling stings me often.
What do you mean by this?
Sorry about all the questions, but I'm just trying to understand the problem so we can give good help.
Just to clarify,
I have read in this forum about frame cutouts but really don't have any documentation
There is information in Help under Features and Cutouts. There a number of Cutouts and Frames (a special version of a Cutout) already supplied with Qimage.
and still they are within the borders of the print
That is so, they become part of the image.
What Ray has said about using a blank image behind the main image is possible and something I have done. Come back if you need more help on this, in fact come back anyway so we can sort you out