Can someone please post a picture showing where the Crop Button (Scissors) is in QU.
Hi Daniel.
I remember your name and I know you have been Qimaging for a while now.
So do I guess that you just bought Ultimate?
Terry emailed me that he has to go out on errands for a while today, and I should make sure you are OK.
So if my guess was correct and you recently got Ultimate, you might not be aware of the Videos available to Ultimate users.
This one is for cropping.
http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=pgHp45B1QXo&vq=hd720This one is for the Video Page.
http://www.ddisoftware.com/qimage-u/learn.htmIf you need anything more, just holler.
I'm not "hen pecked" like Terry.
