I prepared three filters, with Magenta -20, -40 and -60. I printed a stormy sky that shows no magenta on screen. There is no difference between unfiltered and M-60.
Have you saved the filter with a unique name? On your screen shot, the Print Filter box is not ticked. When that is done you will be prompted to select a filter file.
The settings for my R800 are Icm, NoColorAdj, monitor profile, Epson PremGlsyBstPhoto.
That's good, I have an R800 too and get superb prints that match my monitor extremely well and there's no reason why you should not get the same.
Only original inks, recently cleaned nozzles, no striping or other visible defects.
BUT .. have you printed a nozzle check pattern just before you print - look at it carefully, clean until the pattern is perfect, no breaks.
Sorry to go on about it, but I cannot see any other reason for getting a magenta cast on your prints.
The image I'm printing is Adobe RGB 1998. Could that matter?
No, it should not. Qimage is fully colour management aware. There is a possibility that the image is not tagged in its exif data or the Adobe profile is not embedded.
You can check by hovering you mouse over the thumbnail and read what it says in the exif bar at the bottom of the screen; it's the last item in the data.
If it does not show Adobe RGB and says sRGB, it's as I said not exif tagged or embedded. Yo can override the image icc profile in the filter screen to correct it - near the bottom of the adjust tab.
This is unlikely to give a magenta cast, just make the image look dull overall.