Current version: v2024.102 released: May 17, 2024
Qimage Ultimate - Initial Purchase
  • When you buy Qimage Ultimate, you own the software; it will not expire

  • Free updates for 1 yr from initial purchase

  • Renew for $19.99 any time after 1 yr to resume updates (see below)

  • New lifetime licenses available: invest a little more to get free updates forever!

Qimage Ultimate - Registration Renewals
  • After 1 yr of free updates, renew your registration to resume updates or

  • Continue using your existing Qimage and renew when you need updates*

  • Registration renewal is $19.99 to get new updates for 1 yr

  • Renew at any time: there is no penalty for time lapsed before renewing

  • New lifetime licenses available: invest a little more to get free updates forever!

* We don't rent software.  When you buy Qimage Ultimate, it is yours to keep and it will not stop working even if you decide not to renew your registration after one year.  Renewing your registration after the initial year of included updates simply resumes the ability to download updates.  If you decide not to renew after one year, however, be sure to make a backup of the latest version you downloaded: you won't be able to access the download site again until you renew.

retail box (hard copy) not included
all online orders are download-only

Fully tested on all 32/64 bit
versions of
Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11

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