Current version: v2025.101 released: Jan 31, 2025

Fully tested on all 32/64 bit
versions of
Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11

Qimage Ultimate Downloads

Most Recent Changes at a Glance
Feature Date Added
AI co-pilot helps you with printing (more coming in 2024) Nov 21, 2023
New multi-panel printing feature (video) Nov 23, 2022
New Driver AI: no more printer driver mistakes (video) Aug 5, 2022
New "Forge" interpolation See example (extreme upsample) Nov 8, 2021
All new Full Page Editor w/full creative functionality (video) Oct 7, 2021
Windows 11 support Aug 18, 2021
14 Day Trial

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Registered Version (owner download)

Request the latest registered version via email: qu25-101.exe (29 MB)

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Epson ET-8550 profiles

Note: Qimage Lite, Pro, and Studio are discontinued but you can still download the old versions here.


Qimage Ultimate Revision History

Qimage Ultimate 2025 Releases
Detailed changelog: click here

Version Released Priority Description
2025.101 Jan 31, 2025 Low v2025.101 includes:
  • Raw photos: Upgraded to support latest cameras plus lens distortion correction for various lenses from Olympus PEN-F and OM-1 cameras.
  • Fold lines: Fold lines option under Cut Marks now renders thicker fold lines for ease of visibility from the back of canvas paper.
  • Unclog scheduling: Per-Job cycle tuning updated from 7 to 14 day tuning to support both daily and weekly odd/even (skip day/week) scheduling.
  • UI enhancement: Updated the "Unsupported file format" warning to include a "Do not show again" option.
2025.100 Nov 27, 2024 Med v2025.100 includes:
  • AI Copilot: Upgraded AI supports new Canon printers like the Pro-1100 and adds informative status dialogs.
  • Fit to Margins: New "Fit to Margins" print size allows super fast print sizing by specifying equal or unequal margins on all four sides of sheet paper.
  • Margins UI: New visual integrated controls to help you easily see, modify, and utilize custom paper margins.
  • Printer profile search: Convenient search box when browsing printer profiles allows you to just type and see matches (printer, media type, any text).
  • Floating text: New special text labels for current printer name, media type, printer profile, and print size.
  • Multi panel print bug fix: Fixed a bug related to adjusting print crop by placing a portrait crop on a landscape image or vice versa.
  • Other fixes and improvements: Various small bugs and visual enhancements.
  • Video: See the 2025 video.


Qimage Ultimate 2024 Releases

Version Released Priority Description
2024.102 May 17, 2024 Low v2024.102 includes:
  • Unclog button: New unclog/purge sheet button on top of main UI for quick access.
  • Unclog schedule: Improved "Start the scheduler automatically on Windows startup" option to make it more reliable.
  • Fix: Fixed the "Choose Color" border color selection in the Full Page Editor.
  • Fix: Disabled the automatic highest quality AI Copilot option for Epson P series printers to eliminate printing issues.
  • Fix: Fixed a bug in the browse printer profile dialog where "Open" selected an invalid file if no profiles in current folder.
2024.101 Dec 20, 2023 High v2024.101 includes:
  • AI Copilot: New AI Copilot user interface featuring comprehensive user options for full control (see video).
  • Color management: Color management engine updated to LCMS 2.16.
  • Fix: Fixed ability to read embedded image size for TIFFs saved with the image pyramid option.
  • Fix: Fixed inability to (re)load some saved jobs that contain photos from certain Android phones.
2024.100 Nov 21, 2023 Med v2024.100 includes:
  • AI co-pilot: Expanded AI features issue warnings for common layout mistakes and inconsistencies prior to printing.
  • Page background: Added the ability to use a dropper to pick the page background color from an image.
  • 4K monitors: Improved visibility of tool/help tips on high res monitors.
  • Windows 11: Minor under-the-hood adjustments to improve performance with the latest Windows 11 updates.
  • Bug fixes: Fixed some minor bugs such as a live view glitch that appeared when switching rulers on/off.


Qimage Ultimate 2023 Releases

Version Released Priority Description
2023.115 May 26, 2023 Low v2023.115 adds a gauge to the thumbnail "rendering" phase to assist in determining progress in large folders or when searching thumbs.
2023.114 May 24, 2023 Med v2023.114 includes:
  • Thumbnail search bar: Type in the "Search Thumbnails" bar above the thumbnails to display only thumbnails that match your text.
  • Unclog tool: The unclog/purge pattern has been updated to vary the nozzle sweep rate for more effective unclogging.
  • Full screen view: When using the full screen image preview, left click on the image to display image and filter (edits) info.
  • Under the hood: Various fixes and performance improvements.
2023.113 May 12, 2023 Low v2023.113 offers bug fixes, optimizations, and general under-the-hood improvements for speed and stability.
2023.112 Mar 26, 2023 High v2023.112 includes the following fixes:
  • Mirrored prints: Fixed a bug where very large images (>1 GB) may spontaneously print mirrored under certain conditions.
  • Corner marks: Fixed an issue where corner cut marks were not previewing in the full page editor.
  • Template marks: Cut marks now preview in the proper locations when using template/centered print placement.
2023.111 Mar 3, 2023 Med v2023.111 includes:
  • Raw photo support: LibRaw updated to latest 0.21.1 to support the latest camera models including new CR3 formats.
  • Color management: Color management engine updated to latest LCMS 2.15.
  • Fix: Fixed a bug related to using the auto roll length feature with Canon roll printers in borderless mode.
2023.110 Feb 3, 2023 Low v2023.110 includes UI improvements including larger thumbnails for high DPI displays.
2023.109 Jan 28, 2023 Low v2023.109 includes:
  • Print sizes: Mode indicators next to print sizes indicate whether clicking a size will add prints, change prints, or select a default size.*
  • Page alert: The page total indicator below the live view will flash yellow for 3 seconds whenever a page is either added or deleted.*
  • Page sounds: New sounds effects for a page added (page turning) and page deleted (page crumpling).*
  • Bug fix: Fixed a bug where "Multi Panel" could incorrectly highlight in the print sizes even though the selected print is not multi panel.

* Notes: Clicking on a print size in the size list can add new prints (if the thumbnail grid is in focus) or change the size of an existing print
in the live view (if the live view preview is in focus).  Users have pointed out that it was easy to click on a print size thinking you are changing
an existing print but instead get a new (unwanted) print and/or page because a thumbnail was the last thing they "touched".  These new
features make it more obvious what will happen when you click on a print size and will also alert you whenever a new page is created.

2023.108 Dec 22, 2022 Low v2023.108 includes:
  • Floating text: Fixed floating text being larger than expected on systems with >100% Windows display scaling.
  • Black line: Eliminated a vertical black line on the UI under rare conditions on certain video cards/drivers.
2023.107 Dec 15, 2022 Med v2023.107 includes:
  • B/W and color: Live view and full page editor switch to B/W when the driver is in B/W mode; no more printing surprises!
  • Unclog/purge sheets: Footer on printed purge sheets now shows what media type was selected.
  • Recall dialog: Sorting on all recall dialogs improved so that clicking Date column shows most recent at top.
  • Recalling printer setups: More options for filtering printer setups by printer, media type, and/or media size.

Watch the video showcasing some of the above features

2023.106 Dec 2, 2022 Low v2023.106 offers significant speed improvements for the image editor plus a minor visual improvement for high DPI displays.
2023.105 Nov 23, 2022 Med v2023.105 includes:
  • Multi panel printing: New fully customizable multi panel printing feature for printing one image across multiple sheets/panels*
  • Color management: Color management engine upgraded to LCMS 2.14 (supports ICC 4.4 spec)

* Watch the multi panel printing video

2023.104 Oct 21, 2022 Med v2023.104 includes:
  • Driver AI: When letting driver manage color, "intent" in the driver is now set to the rendering intent in Qimage's options*.
  • Optimizations: Live view on main window is significantly more responsive, particularly with multiple prints per page.

* Applies to drivers that offer a rendering intent in the driver settings (most photo printers).

2023.103 Sep 19, 2022 High v2023.103 fixes a bug where Driver AI might fail to automatically change color mode in the driver under some conditions.
2023.102 Sep 15, 2022 Low v2023.102 improves Driver AI compatibility with Epson printers.
2023.101 Aug 23, 2022 High v2023.101 includes the following:
  • Driver AI (Epson): Increased compatibility for Epson printers when using "Let printer/driver manage color".
  • Driver AI (Epson): Ability to select media type on the main UI for legacy Epson printers (R800, R1800, R2400, etc.).
  • Driver AI (Epson): Fixed some Epson drivers listing the wrong (or an old) profile when using "Let printer/driver manage color".
  • Profile suggestions (all printers): Even smarter "Suggest printer profiles" function with a better relevance sort.
  • Fit to...: "Fit to Page" and "Fit to Paper (scans/copies)" print sizes with hint balloons to better delineate the two sizes.
2023.100 Aug 5, 2022 High v2023.100 completes the breakthrough Driver AI system:
  • Compatible: Compatible with nearly all Canon and Epson photo printers.
  • Intelligent: Manages all printer driver settings from color management to scaling and max print quality.
  • Thorough: Handles all brand-specific settings to prevent oversights and guarantee optimal print quality.
  • Convenient: Control media size, type, source, etc. from Qimage and never open the driver in most cases.
  • Optional: Let Qimage manage settings, choose your level of control, or take full manual control if you like.
  • And more: Also included are various bug fixes and UI optimizations in this version.
  • Video: See the new Driver AI video


Qimage Ultimate 2022 Releases

Version Released Priority Description
2022.127 Jul 29, 2022 High v2022.127 includes a new Driver AI system that fully manages Canon/Epson printer drivers for optimal quality!  See the video.
2022.126 Jul 17, 2022 High v2022.126 includes a new smart driver settings feature that will put an end to printer driver settings mistakes:
  • For compatible Canon and Epson printers (most newer models)*
  • Optional: various automatic features can be turned on/off.
  • Automatic control of driver color management settings: say goodbye to double profiling!
  • Prevents driver scaling: say goodbye to the driver printing the wrong size prints!
  • Prevents large format Canon printers from lowering PPI with larger page sizes.
  • Ensure highest quality by disabling auto-enhancement features that interfere with Qimage's optimizations.
  • And much more.
  • See the video.
  • * v2022.126 adds compatibility for a few more Epson printer models
v2022.125 Jul 16, 2022 High v2022.125 includes a new smart driver settings feature that will put an end to printer driver settings mistakes:
  • For compatible Canon and Epson printers (most newer models).
  • Optional: various automatic features can be turned on/off.
  • Automatic control of driver color management settings: say goodbye to double profiling!
  • Prevents driver scaling: say goodbye to the driver printing the wrong size prints!
  • Prevents large format Canon printers from lowering PPI with larger page sizes.
  • Ensure highest quality by disabling auto-enhancement features that interfere with Qimage's optimizations.
  • And much more.
  • See the video.
v2022.124 Jul 10, 2022 Med v2022.124 includes further UI, performance, and stability improvements.
v2022.123 Jul 8, 2022 Med 2022.123 includes:
  • Bug fix (new): Fixed an "Invalid date/time format" error that could appear in v2022.122 depending on your EXIF date format preference.
  • Print cropping: Ability to turn auto cropping on/off in the high precision cropping tool.
  • Large images: Improved handling of large (super high res) photos.
  • Under the hood: Many under-the-hood changes to improve both performance and memory usage.
v2022.122 Jul 6, 2022 Med 2022.122 includes:
  • Print cropping: Ability to turn auto cropping on/off in the high precision cropping tool.
  • Large images: Improved handling of large (super high res) photos.
  • Under the hood: Many under-the-hood changes to improve both performance and memory usage.
v2022.121 May 6, 2022 Med 2022.121 includes:
  • Cut marks: Ability to choose the color of optional cut marks.
  • UI improvements: Improved thumbnail view with more visible selection indicators.
  • Fixes: Minor fixes and improvements to UI elements.
  • Windows XP - Windows 11 compatibility: Reestablished compatibility with Windows XP for those running it for old printers.
v2022.120 Mar 4, 2022 Med 2022.120 includes:
  • Color management: Color management engine updated to LCMS 2.13.1.
  • Bug fix: Fixed lens corrections for raw photos from supported mirrorless cameras.
  • Bug fix: Fixed thumbnail sort order when sorting by EXIF date shot.
v2022.119 Feb 27, 2022 Med 2022.119 adds a powerful new multi-job planner to allow printing of multiple saved jobs in one go.  Check out the video!
v2022.118 Feb 18, 2022 Med 2022.118 fixes two bugs: color profiles not being applied to raws from very old cameras and a potential freeze on startup in rare cases.
v2022.117 Jan 29, 2022 Low 2022.117 adds a powerful new file (EXIF) search tool.  See the video.
v2022.116 Jan 19, 2022 Med 2022.116 fixes a problem that in rare cases caused a DLL load error on startup.
v2022.115 Jan 18, 2022 Med 2022.115 is a maintenance release that includes some bug fixes.
v2022.114 Dec 10, 2021 Med 2022.114 fixes a bug that was causing the print unclog (purge sheet) scheduler to skip the first scheduled unclog cycle.
v2022.113 Dec 9, 2021 Med 2022.113 is a maintenance release that improves stability under both Windows 10 and Windows 11.
v2022.112 Dec 3, 2021 Med 2022.112 includes the following:
  • 16 bit/channel printing: Improved simulated-16-bit printing algorithm for even smoother prints from 16 bit photos (on any printer driver)!
  • Clipboard: New "Save Image From Clipboard" feature (in the File menu) allows saving screen shots and other clipped image data.
  • Unclog (purge sheet) scheduling: New offset value in the per-job cycle tuning allows multiple printers to print purge sheets on different days.
  • EXIF GPS info: Improved geotag compatibility for devices that record GPS info in photos.
  • Page/border colors: Fixed a bug that could cause page bkgd or border colors to be inaccurate when using "Let printer/driver manage color".
  • TIFF images: Updated TIFF library to support more TIFF format variations.
  • Instaview: Fixed a bug that caused middle mouse click on thumbnails to not bring up Instaview if the image contained IPTC data.
v2022.111 Nov 24, 2021 High 2022.111 fixes a bug that could cause partial prints under certain conditions.
v2022.110 Nov 21, 2021 High 2022.110 offers the following additions and fixes:
  • Printer color mgmt: Automatic driver color management is now supported on the Epson XP-15000 and ET-8550.
  • Save settings: Ability to save (startup) settings at any time.  See menu item: File, Save/Restore Settings, Update Startup Settings.
  • Improved: Improved print sorting so that adding an annotation does not cause prints to change positions on the page(s).
  • Fix: Fixed an "out of resources" error that could sometimes appear when printing large photos (high res images).
v2022.109 Nov 13, 2021 Low 2022.109 includes raw compatibility improvements for better display of EXIF info such as shutter speed and aperture across camera models.
v2022.108 Nov 8, 2021 Med 2022.108 raises the bar for print clarity with new "Forge" interpolation method.  See example (extreme upsample)
v2022.107 Oct 30, 2021 Low 2022.107 includes the following improvements:
  • Print spacing: Ability to enter separate horizontal vs vertical spacing (gap) between prints for all "Intelli" print placement methods.
  • Print centering: Print centering options in the full page editor now center multiple selected prints as a group, maintaining relative placement.
  • Windows XP: Fixed a bug that could cause Qimage to not start on some older Windows XP systems.
v2022.106 Oct 22, 2021 Low 2022.106 offers UI visibility improvements for high DPI (QHD/UHD/4K) monitors.
v2022.105 Oct 15, 2021 Low 2022.105 fixes automatic detection of monitor profiles in Windows 11 and offers some minor UI improvements.
v2022.104 Oct 10, 2021 Low 2022.104 fixes the high precision cropping tool in the new Full Page Editor.
v2022.103 Oct 8, 2021 Med 2022.103 offers a powerful all new Full Page Editor to tackle the most creative printing tasks!  Check out the video.
Note: this version fixes a minor display glitch present in 2022.102 affecting the full page editor
v2022.102 Oct 7, 2021 Med 2022.102 offers a powerful all new Full Page Editor to tackle the most creative printing tasks!  Check out the video.
v2022.101 Aug 25, 2021 Med 2022.101 includes various UI fixes and enhancements.  See the full changelog for details.
v2022.100 Aug 18, 2021 Med 2022.100 includes:
  • Windows 11 support: Fully tested and validated under Windows 11 (preview edition).
  • User interface: Refreshed UI with consolidated controls and better contrast/visibility.
  • UI sounds: UI sounds updated including a new startup sound.
  • Advanced Layout Tool: Formerly called the "Page Editor", the Advanced Layout Tool offers an updated UI with maximum page preview size.
  • Floating text: New floating text editor in the Advanced Layout Tool offers a simpler UI with real-time preview.
  • Color management: Color management engine updated to LCMS 2.12.
  • Raw photos: Raw photo support (LibRaw) updated to support more camera models.
  • Other updates: Codebase and all add-ons updated to support Windows XP through Windows 11.
  • Fixes: Bug fixes and performance improvements.


Qimage Ultimate 2021 Releases

Version Released Priority Description
v2021.106 May 1, 2021 Low 2021.106 includes:
  • Color management: Auto printer driver color mgmt now supports more printers including the Epson XP15000 and Canon Pro-2100/4100/6100.
  • Raw photo refine: Fixed a bug that was preventing user selected fill light from saving if "Auto fill light" was turned off in raw preferences.
  • Floating text: Fixed a bug where floating text would not rotate properly when the associated/linked print was rotated on the page.
v2021.105 Apr 24, 2021 Low 2021.105 includes:
  • Raw photos: Updated raw photo format capability supports the latest cameras and features.
  • Cut Marks: New "Fold Marks" option marks edges of printed photos (instead of photos plus optional borders).
v2021.104 Feb 27, 2021 Low 2021.104 fixes a bug that was preventing editing of existing photo mats (uneven print borders).
v2021.103 Feb 14, 2021 Med 2021.103 includes one final fix for cropping prints with borders: see 2021.102 notes for complete Feb 13/14 additions and fixes.
v2021.102 Feb 13, 2021 Med 2021.102 includes:
  • Raw photos: Updated raw photo format capability supports the latest cameras and features.
  • Improved: EXIF compatibility has been improved to support more cameras and smartphones.
  • Improved: Dropping prints into a predefined template no longer "misses" the template if you drop near the edge of the template.
  • Fix: Fixed a bug that caused an empty list of files when trying to open a printer setup while in print-to-file mode.
  • Fix: Fixed a bug that made the default print crop display incorrectly when using borders in some cases.
  • Fix: Fixed a bug that could cause the the wrong saved crop to be applied when using borders with auto print cropping off.
v2021.101 Dec 2, 2020 Low 2021.101 includes:
  • Print current page: Added a quick button (top right of live view) to print only the current page being viewed in the live view.
  • Layouts: Enabled the right click "Add Another Copy of Selected Prints" menu option for templates in Layout mode to facilitate editing layouts.
  • UI: Improved UI responsiveness when using Auto Rename, Copy, and Move functions.
  • Uninstall: Fixed the Uninstall option in the Qimage Ultimate program group so it is not blocked by Windows.
v2021.100 Nov 20, 2020 High 2021.100 includes:
  • Print orientation: Ability to turn print auto-rotation on or off on a per-print basis ("off" ensures images appear upright on page)
  • Layouts: Ability to save/load printer settings with each layout to ensure proper media size, media type, etc.
  • Layouts: Ability to use multiple (compatible) layouts in the same job
  • Layouts: Ability to set print auto-rotation on or off on a per-template basis in custom layouts: images dropped in templates obey the setting
  • Layouts: Option in the image placement menu/button to load last-used layout
  • Layouts: When a custom layout is chosen, it will remain in place until another placement method is chosen (IntelliCenter, IntelliSpace, etc.)
  • Cards: Added new centering options in the full page editor: center in quadrants for two-fold cards or center on page halves for single fold
  • UI: Improved UI responsiveness, particularly when copying or moving photos within Qimage Ultimate
  • Fixes: Fixed some minor bugs.
  • Video:


Qimage Ultimate 2020 Releases

Version Released Priority Description
v2020.123 Sep 16, 2020 Med 2020.123 includes:
  • Search: Ability to search metadata in images (ex: keyword search)
  • Search: Ability to show individual images or folders in folder/keyword search results
  • Migrate: Utilities/Migrate function updates links (jobs, albums, etc.) to plugin export folders since they move during migration
  • Jobs: All jobs (and albums) are now updated whenever an image is renamed or moved (or a folder name is changed) using Qimage rename/move functions
  • Print Info: Added an option to print the full path + filename under each print
  • Unclog/purge: Added a choice for violet ink color (used by Epson P700/P900)
  • See Rusty Nelson's video on these features:
v2020.122 Jul 27, 2020 Low 2020.122 adds auto color mgmt support for the new Canon Pro-300 printer and provides some general bug fixes.
v2020.121 Jul 3, 2020 Low 2020.121 includes:
  • Color Management: Color management engine updated to LCMS 2.11.
  • New sizing option: Full page print w/specified border (ex: full page minus 0.5 inch border on all sides).  See "Custom" size, "Specify ONE dimension".
  • UI: Greater accuracy when showing embedded print size in thumbnails when the specified image PPI is not a round number.
v2020.120 May 30, 2020 Low 2020.120 is a raw format update that supports raw photos from the latest camera models.
v2020.119 May 1, 2020 Med 2020.119 fixes a bug that could cause inaccurate color in prints when using "Let printer/driver manage color" under some printer configurations.
v2020.118 Apr 27, 2020 Med 2020.118 includes:
  • Auto rendering intent: Exclusive feature decides between perceptual and relative colorimetric intent on a per-print basis, automatically!  See the video.
  • WebP: Support for Google's WebP image format.
  • User interface: UI improvements and fixes.
v2020.117 Apr 10, 2020 Med 2020.117 includes:
  • New: added a quick button above thumbnails to display file names only (no thumbs) in addition to existing buttons for small, med, and large thumbs.
  • Improved: bug fixes and UI improvements.  See changelog for details: //
v2020.116 Mar 20, 2020 Low 2020.116 is a maintenance update that fixes a potential crash when saving/converting raw photos (from some camera models) to TIFF format.
v2020.115 Feb 28, 2020 Low 2020.115 includes:
  • Soft proofing: Improved the soft proof gamut warning option to only highlight colors that are significantly out of gamut.
  • Auto roll length: Improved sizing by "Specify one dimension" when using the auto roll length feature.
  • Units: Preferred units (metric/imperial) is now updated and recalled as part of the smart printer settings when selecting a printer and media type.
v2020.114 Feb 23, 2020 Low 2020.114 allows a user-specified gap between prints when using any of the "Intelli" placement modes (option is on the main Printers and Settings tab).
v2020.113 Feb 20, 2020 Med 2020.113 improves the format of the new print info option (size + PPI) and updates the LCMS color management engine for the latest in ICC profile support.
v2020.112 Feb 16, 2020 Med 2020.112 adds a new print info option to show print size/PPI under each print, plus some bug fixes and program optimizations.
v2020.111 Jan 17, 2020 Low 2020.111 is a maintenance release that improves stability and fixes some minor bugs.
v2020.110 Dec 23, 2019 Low 2020.110 supports up to 12 processing threads to speed up thumbnail, raw, and print processing speeds on modern high end systems.
v2020.109 Nov 22, 2019 Low 2020.109 supports more JPEG formats including CMYK and offers some UI visual improvements.
v2020.108 Nov 16, 2019 Med 2020.108 fixes a bug that caused slow processing of some raw photo formats.
v2020.107 Nov 15, 2019 Med 2020.107 includes:
  • Raw photo update: Major raw update includes support for many new cameras including new Canon cameras (CR3 raws).
  • Layouts: New features make creation and use of layouts and picture packages easier (see changelog for details).
v2020.106 Nov 12, 2019 Low 2020.106 adds an option to automatically name print jobs by the first image in the job, plus some general memory management improvements.
v2020.105 Nov 4, 2019 Low 2020.105 automatically switches between Printers and Settings and Prints tabs intelligently (manual modes available via Edit, Preferences, Printers and Settings | Prints Tabs).
v2020.104 Oct 31, 2019 Med 2020.104 adds a new live view right click option "Remove Selected (all copies)" and fixes the unclog tool which was not working in v2020.103.
v2020.103 Oct 29, 2019 Med 2020.103 includes UI optimizations and stability improvements.
v2020.102 Oct 25, 2019 Med 2020.102 includes:
  • Manual job naming: Ability to manually name your print job prior to printing (see Edit, Preferences, Job Logging, Job Naming).
  • Thumb view: Improvements to the thumbnail view improve responsiveness while scrolling and make thumb sizes (small, med, large) more consistent.
  • Stop unwanted/stuck print jobs: Fixed the ability to clear jobs currently spooling from the Windows job queue (for selected printer) via the cancel printing button.
v2020.101 Oct 6, 2019 Low 2020.101 includes raw photo support for the Samsung Galaxy S10 and S10+, plus minor bug fixes.
v2020.100 Sep 16, 2019 Med 2020.100 includes:
  • Job management: If images in a job were moved since the job was saved, a new search tool will appear (when the job is opened) to assist in finding the new location of missing images.
  • Job log search: Ability to select a thumbnail or print and show/open jobs where that image (or any from the same folder) printed previously.
  • HEIC images: Added support for the Apple HEIC image format.
  • Fixes and optimizations: Minor bug fixes and stability enhancements are the result of extensive testing of the 2020 edition for compatibility with the latest Windows 10 releases.


Qimage Ultimate 2019 Releases

Version Released Priority Description
v2019.124 Jul 17, 2019 Low 2019.124 improves the "Printer profile" dropdown on the main window with new (and more direct) options for finding your profiles.
v2019.123 Jul 4, 2019 Low 2019.123 offers more consistent alignment of info text and floating text, particularly when used with the canvas shrink compensation feature.
v2019.122 May 24, 2019 Med 2019.122 includes:
  • Profile suggestion feature: Minor improvements to the printer profile suggestion feature to improve profile sorting by relevance.
  • Sony raw photos: Fixed a bug that was causing distortion in Sony raw photos when using a 28-70mm lens.
  • Raw refine: Improved the (multiple) refine feature to include the warm-cool slider setting when copying white balance parameters to multiple raw photos.
  • Raw fix: Fixed a bug that, in rare cases, could cause raw photos with modified (or corrupted) image headers to stall processing operations.
v2019.121 May 3, 2019 Med 2019.121 includes a "Suggest" feature when selecting printer profiles that eliminate searching through long lists of printer profiles!  See the video.
v2019.120 May 2, 2019 Med 2019.120 offers much faster printing speeds with no compromise in quality thanks to improved multithreading.
v2019.119 Apr 20, 2019 Low 2019.119 improves auto driver color management so that the "Off" profile setting in Qimage turns off color management in the driver (useful for printing profiling targets).
v2019.118 Apr 19, 2019 Low 2019.118 adds support for Epson printers for auto driver color management: late model Canon and Epson printers now supported.
v2019.117 Apr 16, 2019 High 2019.117 includes some fixes for the new auto driver color management settings for Canon printers.
v2019.116 Apr 15, 2019 Low 2019.116 includes a feature that automatically sets printer driver color management settings for most popular Canon photo printers (eliminates setting conflicts like double profiling, etc.).
v2019.115 Mar 10, 2019 Low 2019.115 adds a gamut warning option to the soft proof function on the main live view.
v2019.114 Mar 4, 2019 Low 2019.114 offers a raw photo update to support the latest camera models, plus some UI refinements.
v2019.113 Feb 5, 2019 Med 2019.113 offers minor improvements and fixes for the auto roll length feature.  See the auto roll length demo video.
v2019.112 Feb 2, 2019 Med 2019.112 fixes an issue that caused the new auto roll length feature to incorrectly report some printers/setups as incompatible.  See the auto roll length demo video.
v2019.111 Jan 31, 2019 Med 2019.111 adds an auto roll length feature for wide format printers that dynamically adjusts media length on the fly!  See the video.
v2019.110 Jan 4, 2019 Low 2019.110 improves the thumbnail grid by maintaining (scroll) position when changing thumb size, resizing the thumb browser, etc.
v2019.109 Jan 3, 2019 Low 2019.109 features quick-buttons (top of thumbnail browser) to switch between small/med/large thumbnail sizes, plus some UI fixes and optimizations.
v2019.108 Jan 1, 2019 Low 2019.108 includes some UI optimizations and a new "Intelli-Mirror" canvas edge border that can reduce mirroring of "disconnected" edges in borders.  See detailed description in the changelog.
v2019.107 Dec 29, 2018 Med 2019.107 features higher quality thumbnails, live view, and page editor previews plus some minor bug fixes.
v2019.106 Dec 20, 2018 Med 2019.106 includes:
  • Rulers: Option to show rulers on the main live view (turn on/off via the "View" menu).
  • Grid: Option to show an alignment grid on the main live view (turn on/off via the "View" menu).
  • Snap: Option to snap print location/size in user selected increments when dragging on the main live view (turn on/off and set spacing via the "View" menu).
  • Guide borders: New cut marks option that draws guide lines plus a border around each print.
  • Fixes/improvements: Minor bug fixes and improvements to UI operations like click/drag to size/move.
v2019.105 Dec 14, 2018 Low 2019.105 offers a simple way to open the printer driver dialog using default driver settings: hold the <shift> key and click "Properties" on the Printers and Settings tab.
v2019.104 Nov 27, 2018 Low 2019.104 improves PSD file compatibility by recognizing embedded ICC profiles in PSD files with a wider range of save options and features.
v2019.103 Nov 22, 2018 Med 2019.103 fixes a compatibility issue that affected some HP printer drivers.
v2019.102 Nov 17, 2018 Low 2019.102 includes minor bug fixes and exclusive workarounds that correct some bugs in Canon XPS printer drivers.
v2019.101 Nov 6, 2018 High 2019.101 fixes issues with print-to-file functionality and adds a drop-down selection for print spooler options on the Printers and Settings tab.
v2019.100 Oct 20, 2018 Med 2019.100 includes:
  • Spool and cool: New spool and cool feature can prevent overheating of thermal inkjet printheads (Canon/HP) and eliminate ink drops that can occur when printing multi-page jobs (all printers).
    1. Choose Edit, Preferences, Printing Options and select the spool and cool feature.
    2. Set maximum number of pages to print (in a row) before printing is paused to cool and park/wipe the head.
    3. Set amount of time to pause before printing resumes.
    4. Your printer will take a "break" at the specified interval (# pages) to cool down, then resume printing.  Example: pause for 2 minutes every 5 pages.
    5. Settings are saved in printer setups and jobs so you can specify different parameters for different (size) papers.
  • Fix: For those who have the plugins, the plugin installer has been fixed and will now find all versions of Photoshop/Elements rather than just the oldest copy.


Qimage Ultimate 2018 Releases

Version Released Priority Description
v2018.126 Oct 9, 2018 Med 2018.126 includes improved memory management which enables printing of larger (higher resolution) images.
v2018.125 Sep 21, 2018 Med 2018.125 offers a new imperial/metric tool button, live view UI improvements (easier click/drag operations), and some bug fixes.
v2018.124 Sep 12, 2018 Med 2018.124 includes:
  • Live view: New Print Position feature on the "Prints" tab allows precise placement of prints from the live view (no need to open full page editor).
  • UI improvements: Print/page info popups no longer appear sporadically as you move the mouse over the live view.
  • Fix: Fixed "cannot assign a single value to a structure..." error message that would sometimes appear when converting PaintShop Pro images.
v2018.123 Sep 4, 2018 Med 2018.123 includes:
  • Fusion interpolation: Further refinement of fusion interpolation to ensure the cleanest, most accurate prints.
  • Arithmetic difference: New Arithmetic Difference tool (right click menu in the Best Shot Selector): specialized tool for comparing an image against a reference.
v2018.122 Aug 22, 2018 Med 2018.122 includes:
  • Fusion interpolation: Optimization of fusion interpolation for maximum print detail.
  • Quadrant print placement: Ability to manually center prints in all four paper quadrants for creating bi-fold greeting cards (see Size/Loc tab in full page editor).
  • Added lens correction: Added lens correction for raw images from the DJI Mavic Air drone.
v2018.121 Jul 3, 2018 Med 2018.121 offers improved noise reduction methods that remove more noise while also rendering sharper results:
  • Image editor: All noise reduction methods in the editor (shadow noise, med. noise, and ultra noise reduction) are now more effective in removing noise grain.
  • Raw photos: As a result of improved noise reduction methods, the automatic noise reduction used for raw photo developing is also improved.
  • Raw photos: The effective ISO speed ("pushed to" ISO in raw refine) now considers ODR when calculating effective ISO, improving auto noise reduction.
  • Raw photos: New "ANR" checkbox in raw refine allows auto noise reduction to be turned off on a per-image basis: useful for custom post-processing of noise.
v2018.120 Jun 18, 2018 Med 2018.120 includes further raw photo improvements:
  • Profiles: Added camera profiles for Sony A7 III and A9, Nikon D3400 and D500, and Canon Rebel T6 (1300D).
  • Shadow detail: Better black point detection offers slightly more detail in the darkest shadows.
  • Fix: Fixed a bug that was causing an "XMP packet error" in rare cases when using create email/web copies.
v2018.119 Jun 13, 2018 Med 2018.119 offers raw photo improvements:
  • Profiles: Added camera profiles for Olympus E-M1, Olympus E-M5 Mark II, Canon EOS 77D, Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, and Nikon D850.
  • UI: Ability to change folders faster while raw cache is building (raw cache building can be interrupted).
  • Fix: Fixed a bug that was causing some raw photos to have a color cast when using the white balance dropper to click for WB.
v2018.118 Jun 9, 2018 High 2018.118 is a major raw photo update:
  • Better: Higher quality with hundreds of new camera models added: too many to list but your new model is likely now supported!
  • Faster: Faster processing of raw thumbs and cache.
  • Stronger: New dual zone ODR lets you hone in on the details and a smoother fill light ensures no flat spots.  See it in action (video)!
v2018.117 Apr 28, 2018 Med 2018.117 improves the unclog scheduler to allow tuning the frequency (# days) between unattended purge jobs on a per-printer basis.  See the new video.
v2018.116 Mar 19, 2018 Med 2018.116 offers an updated unclog tool that is more effective and uses half the ink, plus stability and UI improvements.
v2018.115 Feb 27, 2018 Med 2018.115 includes:
  • Soft proofing: New soft proof preview tool redraws the main live view as a soft proof preview of the printed page with ability to preview various profile settings.
  • Intellicenter: New Intellicenter placement method always centers print(s) regardless of print size or roll/sheet selection.
  • Color management: Updated the color management engine to LCMS 2.9.
  • Fixes: Various fixes including a fix for the plug-in installer that was causing the plug-in for Photoshop Elements to not install properly.
v2018.114 Feb 10, 2018 Med 2018.114 improves some controls on the Printers and Settings tab and fixes bugs related to the Print Unclog Pattern and  High Precision Cropping Tool.
v2018.113 Jan 17, 2018 Med 2018.113 includes:
  • Print cropping: New "Crop Print(s)" tool on right click menu of the live view allows adjustment of print crops from the main UI window.
  • Disk usage: New "Manage Disk Usage" tool under "Utilities" on the main UI menu lets you see/manage disk space used by temp files.
  • User interface: Various UI improvements and fixes.
v2018.112 Nov 15, 2017 Low 2018.112 improves placement of small partial-page prints when using Intellispace placement.
v2018.111 Nov 14, 2017 Med 2018.111 offers many small UI improvements and under-the-hood optimizations.
v2018.110 Sep 30, 2017 High 2018.110 fixes an Intellispace placement bug that could, in rare cases, cause the rightmost print in a layout to be slightly (over)cropped on the right edge.
v2018.109 Sep 5, 2017 Low 2018.109 improves preservation of EXIF info for TIFF conversions and contains some minor fixes and UI improvements.
v2018.108 Aug 8, 2017 Low 2018.108 adds left/center/right positioning options for image info (under prints) and fixes prints occasionally disappearing from live view after double-clicking to edit.
v2018.107 Jul 25, 2017 Low 2018.107 improves the appearance of print sizes for various skins and corrects a crash when using file name view (no thumbs).
v2018.106 Jul 23, 2017 High 2018.106 is a major update that includes new features, stability improvements, and bug fixes.  See the full changelog.
v2018.105 Jul 16, 2017 Low 2018.105 includes UI improvements and minor fixes.
v2018.104 Jul 8, 2017 Med 2018.104 offers some fixes and operational improvements.
v2018.103 Jul 1, 2017 Med 2018.103 fixes a crash when encountering images containing EXIF time stamps with higher than millisecond "sub-second" time precision.
v2018.102 Jun 26, 2017 Low 2018.102 offers some features, operational improvements, and UI appearance updates: see the full changelog.
v2018.101 Jun 18, 2017 Med 2018.101 includes some minor fixes and optimizations.
v2018.100 Jun 13, 2017 High 2018.100 is our 20th anniversary update with redesigned UI and more: see the 2 minute intro video.
v2017.128 May 31, 2017 Med 2017.128 offers a smaller memory footprint (lower RAM usage) when printing and fixes some minor UI bugs.
v2017.127 May 23, 2017 Low 2017.127 fixes: thumb display when QU opens to an album, error minimizing to system tray while print properties open, and a print preview bug when using cutouts with zoomed print crops.
v2017.126 May 15, 2017 High 2017.126 fixes an issue from 2017.125 that could cause partial prints when printing large print sizes.
v2017.125 May 11, 2017 Med 2017.125 contains print engine enhancements that improve pixel-level detail, useful for challenging prints like resolution charts and test images.
v2017.124 May 2, 2017 Med 2017.124 improves Photoshop plugin compatibility w/support for both RGB and grayscale images as well as images with alpha/luminosity channels.
v2017.123 Apr 21, 2017 Low 2017.123 includes new help menu items and some minor fixes and "under the hood" improvements.
v2017.122 Apr 19, 2017 Low 2017.122 offers minor fixes such as retaining PPI (embedded size) when converting images.
v2017.121 Apr 10, 2017 High 2017.121 includes the following:
  • Plugins: This is the first version that is compatible with our new Photoshop, Lightroom, and Elements plugins (sold separately).
  • Print engine: Improved print quality with even smoother gradients, achieving near-16-bit level gradients from any standard 8 or 16 bit Windows driver (even improves monitor gradients).
  • Fixes: Some minor fixes including additional support for non-English characters (in floating text).
v2017.120 Mar 31, 2017 High 2017.120 includes the following:
  • IntelliSpace print placement:
    • The new default, IntelliSpace places prints intelligently on the page, starting at the top but centering prints once most of the page is used.
    • Prints are auto-sorted (can be turned off to maintain user order) so that matching sizes are easy to cut.
    • Prints are spaced 1/4 inch (~6mm) apart for easy cutting when possible: unless reducing/removing the gap results in more prints per page.
    • Prints are placed such that cuts are never blocked (single swipes of cutters can be used to cut each print from the page).
    • Prints (or groups of nested prints) that cover most of the page are always perfectly centered on the physical paper when using sheet paper!
    • Prints always fill from top-down (do not center) when using roll paper.
  • IntelliCut print placement: Same as IntelliSpace above, except with no gap between adjacent prints; allows single cuts to separate adjoining prints.
  • Printer carriage indicator: Fine dotted line at the edge of the page in Live View shows where the paper exits the printer (useful for landscape printing).
  • Other fixes and enhancements: Some bug fixes and improvements such as a higher visibility print progress bar and improved support for non-English characters.
v2017.119 Feb 11, 2017 Low 2017.119 includes the following:
  • Tape measure: A new tape measure tool in the full page editor allows two-click measurements anywhere on the printed page: useful for passport photos and other critical sizing.
  • Job log: A button is now available on the main window to open the automated job log.
  • UI improvements: Some minor fixes and improvements for various UI elements.
v2017.118 Feb 4, 2017 Low 2017.118 includes improvements for the "Properties" button on the Settings tab and an option to turn off the printer driver helper in Edit, Preferences.
v2017.117 Jan 27, 2017 Low v2017.117 offers some minor UI fixes.
v2017.116 Jan 24, 2017 Med v2017.116 includes memory optimizations and minor fixes and UI enhancements.
v2017.115 Jan 19, 2017 Med v2017.115 offers new "overdrive" photo printing for the highest possible print detail!  Click here for details/examples.
v2017.114 Dec 22, 2016 Med v2017.114 includes a new roll printing feature to extend page length to fit all prints on one page (rt. click menu on Live View), plus bug fixes.
v2017.113 Dec 17, 2016 Low v2017.113 offers expanded options for media size sorting (under Edit/Preferences) and the reset function (Settings tab) as well as some bug fixes.
v2017.112 Dec 4, 2016 Low v2017.112 contains bug fixes for the raw refine A/B switch and operation of the system tray icon.
v2017.111 Dec 2, 2016 Med v2017.111 includes the following:
  • Print properties: Print properties dialog has been updated to show more sizes and indicate which print sizes fit on current media size.
  • Restart session: Need a way to restart your session and restore settings to when you last started Qimage Ultimate: click "File", "Restart session".
  • Media size sort: Options for sorting media type and media size are now located on the Edit, Preferences menu.
  • Bug fixes: Fixed some minor bugs.
v2017.110 Nov 24, 2016 Med v2017.110 includes UI fixes/improvements and a bug fix for using copyright/signature with an info stamp print filter.
v2017.109 Nov 19, 2016 Med v2017.109 includes the following:
  • Print unclog scheduler: Many improvements have been made to the unclog scheduler:
    1. "Sticky" schedule: Schedule now picks up where you left off if you close/re-open Qimage Ultimate (prevents early unclog patterns after rebooting).
    2. Keeping the scheduler running: Warning/options appear when you close Qimage Ultimate while the scheduler is running: prevents inadvertently disabling scheduler.
    3. Scheduler restart: If you close Qimage Ultimate while the scheduler is running, it will restart automatically when you re-open Qimage Ultimate.
    4. Minimize to sys tray: Option in Edit, Preferences to always minimize Qimage Ultimate to the system tray.
    5. Sys tray options: New right click options on system tray icon allow you to easily open Qimage Ultimate, start/stop the scheduler, or skip a scheduled unclog.
    6. Sys tray icon: When minimized to system tray, the sys tray icon shows a small blue dot if the scheduler is running.  Hold mouse over icon to see next scheduled unclog.
    7. Auto start: Checkbox to automatically start the scheduler on Windows start (under File, Print Unclog Pattern, Schedule).
    8. Auto start fixes: When automatically starting the scheduler on Windows startup, QU starts "quietly" in the sys tray with the scheduler running.
  • Improvements: Various UI improvements such as ability to see the max paper length used by prints (hover mouse over the page on Live View).
  • Bug fix: Fixed an issue where "Paper source" was not showing all/proper entries for the currently selected media type.
  • Bug fix: Fixed a bug when using an info stamp print filter on images with cutouts.
  • Bug fix: Fixed a bug where existing prints in a job could get truncated if a new media size is chosen that is too small for current prints on the page(s).
  • Bug fix: Fixed an intermittent problem where some modal dialogs could disappear behind the main window.
v2017.108 Nov 7, 2016 Low v2017.108 includes UI optimizations and enhancements plus F10 to switch between Live View/Settings tabs.
v2017.107 Nov 3, 2016 Low v2017.107 offers smoother gradients when printing 16 bit images (even with 8 bit drivers) and checkboxes to sort media type and size.
v2017.106 Oct 28, 2016 Med v2017.106 includes improvements and fixes related to the new intelligent printer settings feature.  See the intelligent printer settings in action.
v2017.105 Oct 26, 2016 Med v2017.105 offers new intelligent printer settings that help you manage your printers and papers!  See how it works.
v2017.104 Oct 3, 2016 Low v2017.104 fixes visibility of Live View buttons that were only partially visible on some monitors/resolutions.
v2017.103 Oct 3, 2016 Low v2017.103 offers a Live View/Settings tab for larger page previews and fixes a raw photo cropping bug affecting Sony cameras w/18-200 lens.
v2017.102 Aug 15, 2016 Low v2017.102 adds a new eye glint tool to the photo editor that allows you to add life to your subjects: see video.
v2017.101 Aug 14, 2016 Low v2017.101 fixes a startup crash on Win10 Anniv. Ed. (1607) where Windows can have no default printer selected.
v2017.100 Aug 12, 2016 Med v2017.100 focuses on quality and performance with a color management engine update to support the latest profiles, faster printing, and bug fixes.


Qimage Ultimate 2016 Releases

Version Released Priority Description
v2016.158 Jul 15, 2016 Low v2016.158 fixes a bug related to using the A/B tool while in multiple-raw-refine.
v2016.157 Jul 13, 2016 Low v2016.157 improves auto fill light on raws that have specular highlights and offers some UI enhancements for the A/B option feature.
v2016.156 Jul 12, 2016 Med v2016.156 includes:
  • Raw refine: New A/B option in raw refine allows developing the image two different ways with the ability to compare and switch between A/B settings!
  • Bug fixes: Fixed an error message in the high precision crop and a bug related to accessing raw refine from the image editor.
v2016.155 Jun 16, 2016 Low v2016.155 includes UI improvements for the raw refine tool and a fix for the unfiltered/filtered slider on the image editor preview window.
v2016.154 Jun 8, 2016 Low v2016.154 includes improvements to the ODR focus feature plus a fix for the high precision cropping tool in the page editor.
v2016.153 Jun 7, 2016 Low v2016.153 offers the ability to target specific areas of raw images for ODR and improves DNG color space support.
v2016.152 Jun 3, 2016 Med v2016.152 includes:
  • Raw photo update: Support for many new camera models.
  • ODR: New optimal dynamic range feature automatically balances dynamic range, brightening dark shadows while maintaining highlights (see the video).
  • Fixes: Minor fixes based on customer feedback.
v2016.151 May 13, 2016 Med v2016.151 includes:
  • Multi-monitor: Enhancements to our multi-monitor support, specifically for use of more than 2 monitors.
  • Drones: Optimized color profile and lens corrections for the Phantom 3 Advanced/Professional.
  • Vanish: Minor fixes and improvements for the new vanish tool.
  • Other: Some fixes and UI optimizations.
v2016.150 May 1, 2016 Low v2016.150 offers fixes and enhancements including a color fix for retouched DNG photos (DNG's not directly from camera card).
v2016.149 Apr 26, 2016 Low v2016.149 optimizes lens distortion correction for raws (DNG) from the DJI Phantom 3.
v2016.148 Apr 22, 2016 Med v2016.148 includes the following (or you can see the video release notes here!):
  • Filter peeker: Hold your mouse over a red, blue, or magenta file name in thumbs to see what filters are present on an image.
  • Breadcrumbs: Use breadcrumbs to locate new images (thumbs) in a folder quickly (see above video).
  • DJI Phantom 3/4 raw support: Added support for raw (DNG) photos from the DJI Phantom 3/4 camera, including color profile.
  • Vanish: Minor fixes for the vanish feature include a fix for bright pixels appearing in dark areas and vanish after rotation/horizon.
v2016.147 Apr 14, 2016 Med v2016.147 offers major improvements/features for the new vanish tool:
  • Quality: Higher quality vanishing intelligently fills vanish with applicable parts of image around it.
  • Masks: Use masks to mark areas to be vanished: areas outside the masks will not be affected!
  • Remove: Ability to visually mark and remove vanishes/masks.
  • Video: See the new vanish tool advanced techniques video.
  • Fixes: Various fixes for other general features (not related to the vanish tool).
v2016.146 Mar 31, 2016 Med v2016.146 replaces the old blemish tool with an incredible new vanish tool (see the video), plus some general fixes.
v2016.145 Mar 27, 2016 Med v2016.145 offers improved raw photo quality and minor fixes, including a fix for loading layouts created in older versions.
v2016.144 Mar 18, 2016 Low v2016.144 adds support for the Sony A7S II and RX1R II plus fixes a bug with border color sometimes not "sticking".
v2016.143 Mar 17, 2016 Low v2016.143 offers improved noise reduction for high ISO raws and fixes some minor UI glitches.
v2016.142 Mar 13, 2016 Med v2016.142 fixes an issue where, in rare instances/configs, could cause off-color squares in some prints.
v2016.141 Mar 10, 2016 Med v2016.141 offers a much simpler way to work with print related settings:
  • Size on the fly: The most recently used print properties such as print size, borders, and cropping are maintained as you work.
  • Lock and load: You can now lock in your favorite settings and have them loaded automatically on startup (including layouts/packages).
  • Flexibility: Ability to lock/unlock settings allows you creative freedom since you can always go back to the "locked" settings at any time!
v2016.140 Feb 28, 2016 High v2016.140 is a critical fix for the printer ICC profile becoming inactive after printing multiple (or large) prints.
v2016.139 Feb 13, 2016 Low v2016.139 fixes the Twain acquire function and offers an overall speed boost thanks to code optimizations.
v2016.138 Feb 4, 2016 Med v2016.138 offers faster startup times, further improvements to TIFF/PSD compatibility, and minor fixes and optimizations.
v2016.137 Jan 20, 2016 Med v2016.137 offers improved compatibility for TIFF and PSD images containing layers or alpha channels.
v2016.136 Jan 18, 2016 Low v2016.136 corrects a raw white balance issue on older Sony camera models and adds a color profile for Sony A99 raws.
v2016.135 Jan 12, 2016 Med v2016.135 uses EXIF/shot date for folder/file auto-naming and includes some stability and UI improvements.
v2016.134 Dec 16, 2015 Low v2016.134 uses "original" EXIF date/time when EXIF has been modified by other software plus minor UI improvements.
v2016.133 Dec 11, 2015 High v2016.133 adds the ability to load jobs and printer setups even if printer names/ports have changed due to OS changes, driver reinstallation, etc.
v2016.132 Dec 5, 2015 Low v2016.132 further improves chromatic aberration reduction in raw photos.
v2016.131 Nov 29, 2015 Low v2016.131 improves raw photo quality by reducing chromatic aberrations near high contrast edges.
v2016.130 Nov 17, 2015 Low v2016.130 improves DB file/folder name searches and fixes a font size issue when printing file details (Info) under prints.
v2016.129 Nov 15, 2015 Low v2016.129 fixes some minor glitches on the raw refine window and offers a slight improvement in fine detail of raw photos.
v2016.128 Nov 13, 2015 Med v2016.128 improves raw photo quality and adds new raw photo developing tools:
  • Fill/HDR: Improvements to both fill light and HDR result in better contrast and better separation of fill light and HDR operation.
  • Raw refine zoom tool: The zoom tool is now faster, larger, and offers 2x magnification (scroll mouse wheel up a second time).
  • Raw refine HDR assist tool: Hold the Alt key to view the effect of the current HDR setting (shows which areas are being recovered).
  • Fix: Fixed an issue with negative fill light.
v2016.127 Nov 6, 2015 Low v2016.127 significantly improves raw photo detail and sharpness when using fill/HDR.
v2016.126 Oct 30, 2015 Low v2016.126 includes a new artifact-free HDRv2 to help you manage shadows and highlights in raw photos with high dynamic range.
v2016.125 Oct 15, 2015 Low v2016.125 adds image info to full screen view (hold middle mouse btn) and includes improvements for the slide show and print properties dialog.
v2016.124 Sep 29, 2015 Low v2016.124 adds color profiles for Canon EOS M3 and Nikon 1 J5 raw photos and includes minor stability improvements.
v2016.123 Sep 17, 2015 Low v2016.123 offers lens correction for Olympus E cameras with 12mm F2.0 and 25mm F1.4 lenses plus some minor UI refinements.
v2016.122 Sep 16, 2015 High v2016.122 includes general stability improvements.
v2016.121 Sep 9, 2015 High v2016.121 contains critical fixes including a bug fix for settings becoming corrupted under certain conditions.  If you send email directly from QU, you will have to re-enter your preferences for "Mail Sending Options" in this version.
v2016.120 Sep 8, 2015 Med v2016.120 fixes the formatting of floating text that contains multiple lines of text.
v2016.119 Sep 3, 2015 Low v2016.119 offers further improvements to support Unicode folders/files in various languages.
v2016.118 Sep 2, 2015 Low v2016.118 includes an improved folder browser that supports Unicode character sets and some minor UI fixes.
v2016.117 Aug 23, 2015 Low v2016.117 includes a new option under Edit, Preferences that allows custom sorting of paper sizes in the printer setup dialog.
v2016.116 Aug 21, 2015 Low v2016.116 displays paper sizes sorted by size (largest to smallest) in the printer setup dialog.
v2016.115 Aug 19, 2015 High v2016.115 fixes a bug that required exiting/restarting QU to print more than one job on some multi-core systems.
v2016.114 Aug 18, 2015 High v2016.114 offers stability improvements to correct crashing/exiting after printing using some printer models/drivers.
v2016.113 Aug 16, 2015 Low v2016.113 adds command line switch -ss to allow opening qimage.exe -ss to start the unclog scheduler on startup, plus some minor UI refinements.
v2016.112 Aug 15, 2015 Low v2016.112 offers some UI improvements for various UI sizes based on user feedback.
v2016.111 Aug 13, 2015 Med v2016.111 includes high DPI aware optimizations and a new option to control how files dropped into Qimage Ultimate are handled.
v2016.110 Aug 10, 2015 High v2016.110 is a major user-interface update that supports high DPI displays, making the UI easier to navigate on all displays including 4K monitors!
v2016.109 Aug 2, 2015 Med v2016.109 includes fixes for canvas shrinkage compensation and minor UI touchups.
v2016.108 Jul 31, 2015 High v2016.108 includes fixes for machines running more than 8 cores and UI improvements for Windows 10 systems.
v2016.107 Jul 30, 2015 Med v2016.107 adds two new features to full screen view: ability to view prev/next image using mouse wheel and ability to select thumbs (right click menu), plus more UI performance improvements.
v2016.106 Jul 28, 2015 Med v2016.106 includes the following:
  • Full screen view: Ability to move to prev/next (selected or unselected) thumbnail with Page Up/Down when viewing a thumbnail full screen.
  • Multithreading: New "Auto" multithreading option utilizes CPU cores to maximize performance while still allowing you to switch to other tasks during CPU intensive operations.
  • DB search: "Preview" checkbox on database search dialog allows previewing photos without having to wait for thumb/cache building.
  • Fix: Fixed a bug that could cause sRGB tagged images to be improperly tagged as Adobe RGB after converting (convert from queue).
  • Fix: Fixed an issue that could cause a "please insert disk" message when viewing an album that contains images on a drive/disk that is not ready.
  • Fix: Other minor stability, UI, and performance improvements.
v2016.105 Jul 19, 2015 Med v2016.105 fixes thumb/cache building when raw options are set to "Cache w/early edit priority".
v2016.104 Jul 19, 2015 Med v2016.104 further improves thumbnail/cache building speed and memory usage.
v2016.103 Jul 17, 2015 High v2016.103 includes the following:
  • Major raw format update: support for latest models including the Canon 750D, 760D, 5DS, 5DS R, Fuji X-A2, Olympus E-M5II, Panasonic GF7, Pentax K-S2, and many more.
  • Raw cache fix: fixed an issue building raw cache for higher res cameras like the Nikon D800, Canon 5DS, etc.
  • Job log search: the search tool in the job log now finds matches in descriptions/creators on images in each job (from the database).
v2016.102 Jul 12, 2015 Med v2016.102 improves responsiveness of thumb/cache building and adds raw support for the Nikon 1 J5, D5500, and D7200.
v2016.101 Jul 7, 2015 High v2016.101 fixes a problem with partial prints when print multithreading is set to 2 cores and adds video help for levels and curves.
v2016.100 Jul 5, 2015 High v2016.100 includes the following:
  • Final Windows 10 compatibility: all internals and code have been updated to be fully Windows 10 compatible.
  • Support for 6 and 8 core systems: many printing and image processing operations can now make use of up to 8 CPU cores!
  • Print processing: print processing is now 20-30% faster thanks to code optimizations.
  • Image processing: downsampling and email creation tasks are now twice as fast.
  • Thumbs/raw cache: thumbnail and raw cache processing are 30-40% faster, particularly on machines with 6 or more cores.
  • UI optimizations: Minor UI improvements make for a smoother user experience.


Qimage Ultimate 2015 Releases
Version Released Priority Description
v2015.128 Jun 10, 2015 Low v2015.128 includes the following:
  • Unclog pattern: updated the sweep pattern at the bottom of unclog prints to be more consistent across different paper sizes.
  • Unclog scheduler: "finished" UI sound only plays once when multiple printers are scheduled, at the end of all unclog prints.
  • Unclog scheduler: scheduler correctly picks the next available time when "hours" are used (less than 1 day between prints).
  • Unclog setup: error msg is issued if user attempts to set paper to very long lengths in the unclog driver setup (>24 inches).
  • Display: fixed a bug with highlighting selected thumbnails on high color (16 bit) displays.
v2015.127 Jun 3, 2015 Med v2015.127 includes an updated color management engine (LCMS 2.7) and some minor UI improvements/fixes.
v2015.126 May 27, 2015 Med v2015.126 names/sorts unclog jobs separately in the automated job log and includes some bug fixes.
v2015.125 May 19, 2015 Low v2015.125 offers the ability to schedule unattended unclog prints for multiple printers!
v2015.124 May 9, 2015 Med v2015.124 includes a new calendar based scheduler for printing unclog patterns and fixes some UI bugs.
v2015.123 Apr 27, 2015 Low v2015.123 includes a new "Incisive 2015" skin and fixes some minor bugs.
v2015.122 Apr 21, 2015 Low v2015.122 offers both full and half page print unclog patterns (particularly useful for wide format printers).
v2015.121 Apr 8, 2015 Low v2015.121 adds ability to control shadow depth on floating text and improves the floating text preview dialog.
v2015.120 Mar 18, 2015 Low v2015.120 adds raw photo lens distortion correction for the Sony FE 24-240 lens (a7 series cameras).
v2015.119 Mar 9, 2015 High v2015.119 fixes transparency on prints that are rotated via the image editor and then placed over other prints.
v2015.118 Feb 14, 2015 Low v2015.118 fixes click/drag to size in the full page editor.
v2015.117 Feb 13, 2015 Med v2015.117 includes UI improvements related to print sizing and editing existing photo mats.
v2015.116 Feb 5, 2015 Med v2015.116 is a major raw format update that supports 18 new cameras and fixes some minor bugs.
v2015.115 Feb 2, 2015 Med v2015.115 includes some bug fixes and UI optimizations:
  • Print to file/printer: Ability to switch between print-to-printer and print-to file by simply right clicking on the printer setup button.
  • Print sizing: Left click on print properties button on a thumbnail to add prints by choosing size, or right click to select a new working size.
  • Bug fixes: Fixed "Print orientation is locked" message, a bug related to deleting photo mats, and fixed the "Cancel" button on the print-to-file dialog.
v2015.114 Jan 23, 2015 Med v2015.114 offers some minor fixes and performance improvements.
v2015.113 Jan 19, 2015 Low v2015.113 includes new database tools that allow syncing DB info on archives/backups (see the Database Tools button above the thumbnails on the main window).
v2015.112 Jan 7, 2015 Med v2015.112 includes the following:
  • Database archives: Add description/creator information into the database for your archived photos on CD/DVD, and search later to find which CD/DVD contain specific archived photos!
  • Updated PNG support: Better support for PNG images that include transparency.
  • Bug fix: Fixed a bug that could cause dots/specs in white areas of rotated prints placed on photo mats.
v2015.111 Dec 17, 2014 Low v2015.111 adds raw support for Canon 7D Mark II, Canon G7 X, Nikon D750 and more, plus fixes some minor bugs.
v2015.110 Dec 8, 2014 Med v2015.110 includes the following:
  • Tablet support: Enhanced  UI controls and fixes to support Windows tablet computers and touch screens.
  • Embedded size: Embedded image size/PPI is now listed on the Hotbar, Instaview, and Image Info dialogs.
  • Print to file output folder: "Remember print-to-file output folder" checkbox now works w/auto-naming option.
  • On Deck: "Send On Deck" feature now works to send images on deck even if a mat (underneath) is selected.
  • Page Editor fix: Fixed ruler indicators so that they show the position of the currently selected print.
v2015.109 Nov 14, 2014 Low v2015.109 enables image preview when recalling saved sessions and improves display quality of previewed images.
v2015.108 Nov 10, 2014 Low v2015.108 allows you to preview images in print jobs (job log or saved jobs) by simply selecting the job in the list (makes locating specific jobs easier).
v2015.107 Oct 31, 2014 Low v2015.107 fixes an issue with the auto-cropping when using horizon leveling in the image editor.
v2015.106 Oct 28, 2014 Med v2015.106 allows overlaying rotated images onto a collage without white "bounding triangles" (see example) and fixes some minor bugs.
v2015.105 Sep 23, 2014 Low v2015.105 fixes some display anomalies seen on XP and older classic Windows themes.
v2015.104 Sep 22, 2014 Low v2015.104 fixes a problem where "Move Images" could sometimes leave associative filters on the source (from) location.
v2015.103 Sep 13, 2014 Low v2015.103 adds #copies to saved layouts and fixes an issue with resizing test strips.
v2015.102 Sep 10, 2014 Med v2015.102 adds the new "Fit to paper" option to the hot folder system and fixes some bugs.
v2015.101 Sep 8, 2014 Low v2015.101 offers new "Fit to paper" sizing for printing pre-sized or scanned images on the same size paper without scaling (non-printable margins are cropped).
v2015.100 Sep 3, 2014 Med v2015.100 includes the following:
  • Hot folders: Drop images into hot folders at any size from any networked machine and even print remotely (see File menu).
  • Print from any device: With one Windows PC running Qimage Ultimate, drop files into shared hot folders from networked Macs, smartphones, etc. and even initiate printing from those devices!
  • Unclog pattern: New diagonal sweep pattern at the bottom of the unclog print helps with evaluation of nozzle "health".


Qimage Ultimate 2014 Releases

Version Released Priority Description
v2014.255 Aug 24, 2014 Low v2014.255 fixes a bug related to loading jobs/job settings when using metric units.
v2014.254 Aug 18, 2014 Med v2014.254 offers bug fixes in response to user feedback.
v2014.253 Aug 16, 2014 Low v2014.253 further improves performance and UI responsiveness during thumb/cache generation.
v2014.252 Aug 15, 2014 Low v2014.252 offers fast draft thumbnail building for raw photos (thumbs are refined during cache building) and fixes some minor bugs.
v2014.251 Aug 7, 2014 Low v2014.251 introduces "breadcrumbs" which show on all newly created thumbnails so you can easily locate new photos in large folders.
v2014.250 Aug 6, 2014 Med v2014.250 improves the DFS sharpening algorithm to reduce noise and posterization in low contrast areas.
v2014.249 Aug 5, 2014 Low v2014.249 increases quality of full screen and soft proof views and adds camera raw profiles for the Canon GX 1 Mark II and Samsung NX30.
v2014.248 Jul 31, 2014 Low v2014.248 allows the unclog pattern to be printed (unattended) at specified time intervals: see "File", "Print Unclog Pattern".
v2014.247 Jul 26, 2014 Low v2014.247 includes minor adjustments to some camera raw profiles for recent model cameras.
v2014.246 Jul 21, 2014 Low v2014.246 fixes profile embedding when printing to file using per-print (custom) profiles.  Also added: D810 raw profile.
v2014.245 Jul 17, 2014 Low v2014.245 fixes the raw refine WB dropper for (mirrorless) cameras that have built in lens corrections.
v2014.244 Jul 16, 2014 Low v2014.244 improves accuracy of the WB dropper in raw refine and adds/updates many raw profiles for recent camera models.
v2014.243 Jul 5, 2014 Low v2014.243 brings raw support for just-released cameras like the Nikon D810, Sony A7s, Sony A77M2, and more.
v2014.242 Jun 30, 2014 High v2014.242 contains a small change to Flash Card Copy/Move plus fixes a bug that in rare cases could cause incomplete prints.
v2014.241 Jun 29, 2014 Low v2014.241 updates "file date range" option in Flash Card Copy/Move when deselecting folders and offers better thumbnail refresh.
v2014.240 Jun 28, 2014 High v2014.240 includes the following:
  • Major raw format update: Raw support for 14 new cameras.
  • Raw quality: Smarter black levels, sharper and more effective noise reduction, and higher quality lens distortion correction.
  • Noise filters: All noise reduction filters in the image editor have been updated w/better quality algorithms.
  • Print to file: Ability to print larger page sizes (larger page size and PPI).
  • Bug fixes: Fixed a number of UI glitches.
v2014.239 Jun 21, 2014 Med v2014.239 offers a new Best Shot Selector (right click from thumbs), improved raw noise reduction, and minor fixes.
v2014.238 Jun 20, 2014 High v2014.238 includes a new NR indicator in raw options and an important fix for faint lines that could appear in some small prints.
v2014.237 Jun 19, 2014 Med v2014.237 includes an updated fill light for raw photos that offers better contrast, an improved nozzle unclog pattern, and some bug fixes.
v2014.236 Jun 15, 2014 Low v2014.236 offers more precise display of noise reduction parameters in raw refine dialog.
v2014.235 Jun 14, 2014 Med v2014.235 includes the following:
  • Raw refine: Added ability to draw an exposure grid of any size, plus an ISO indicator to show "exposure push".   Click red "v" button on refine dialog for video.
  • Raw NR: Improved noise reduction for (very) high ISO raw photos via new adaptive grain and chroma NR algorithms.
  • Bug fixes: Fixed some minor bugs.
v2014.234 Jun 11, 2014 Med v2014.234 offers significantly sharper raw photos above ISO 400 thanks to better auto noise reduction (found in raw options), plus some bug fixes.
v2014.233 Jun 8, 2014 Low v2014.233 adds the ability to recall print unclog settings for multiple printers.
v2014.232 Jun 7, 2014 Low v2014.232 fixes thumbnail refresh after sending to photo editor and adds tool tips to the print unclog dialog.
v2014.231 Jun 5, 2014 Low v2014.231 is a quick fix that allows the unclog pattern to be printed on any paper size.
v2014.230 Jun 5, 2014 Low v2014.230 adds gray inks to the unclog pattern and offers an instructional video link on the Print Unclog Pattern dialog.
v2014.229 Jun 4, 2014 Med v2014.229 offers improvements to the nozzle unclog pattern including ability to target individual color(s).
v2014.228 Jun 3, 2014 Low v2014.228 includes a nozzle unclog pattern in the "File" menu that can be printed to clear (or prevent) minor clogs.
v2014.227 May 30, 2014 Low v2014.227 enables adding prints via dragging/dropping thumbs on any size in print properties and includes a new video help system (click red "v" buttons for video help).
v2014.226 May 28, 2014 Low v2014.226 offers a new "Ultra NR" noise filter, much faster USM/DFS sharpening, and some minor bug fixes.
v2014.225 May 21, 2014 Low v2014.225 fixes the "i" (add user data) button on thumbnails.
v2014.224 May 19, 2014 Low v2014.224 includes convenient check boxes for selection/deselection of thumbnails.
v2014.223 May 18, 2014 Low v2014.223 includes cosmetic improvements such as neutral thumbnail selections.
v2014.222 May 16, 2014 Low v2014.222 offers more user friendly sizing and selection controls for both prints and thumbnails.
v2014.221 May 12, 2014 Low v2014.221 fixes some minor issues such as "list index out of bounds" when using original size.
v2014.220 May 10, 2014 Med v2014.220 enables instaview for prints with mats and offers bug fixes.
v2014.219 May 7, 2014 High v2014.219 includes important bug fixes including inability to print in v2014.218.
v2014.218 May 6, 2014 High v2014.218 offers improved dithering for 16 bit images and profiles plus some bug fixes.
v2014.217 May 5, 2014 Med v2014.217 includes the following:
  • Color management: dither option (default=on) in color management options reduces banding/posterization when using large gamut profiles.
  • Optimization: faster response times on larger jobs, particularly on network drives.
  • Fixes: Various bug fixes and UI improvements.
v2014.216 May 2, 2014 Low v2014.216 includes a GPS indicator on the EXIF hotbar and further improves page editing performance.
v2014.215 May 1, 2014 Low v2014.215 offers better performance when working with large jobs.
v2014.214 Apr 30, 2014 Low v2014.214 offers reduced disk I/O for a faster UI experience.
v2014.213 Apr 29, 2014 Med v2014.213 fixes a bug that affected adding mats to prints after the first page in the job.
v2014.212 Apr 26, 2014 Med v2014.212 offers major improvements to EXIF (image info) functionality:
  • Full EXIF on saves/conversions: Converted or saved JPEG/TIFF images retain full EXIF info.
  • GPS info: GPS coordinates on info dialog can be copied to clipboard or displayed in Google Maps.
  • Other EXIF fields: More fields available such as shooting program, metering modes, exposure comp. and more.
v2014.211 Apr 21, 2014 Med v2014.211 adds raw lens corrections for the Olympus 12-40 f2.8 lens for E-M* cameras and fixes some sizing bugs WRT uncropped prints with mats.
v2014.210 Apr 9, 2014 Med v2014.210 fixes "out of memory" errors when printing very large prints with photo mats.
v2014.209 Apr 8, 2014 Med v2014.209 includes new controls on the "Add Photo Mat" dialog along with some photo mat UI enhancements and fixes.
v2014.208 Apr 3, 2014 High v2014.208 offers size-on-the-fly photo mats: use "Optimal" or "Optimal/spaced" placement to auto-arrange.  Bug fixes include borders printing the wrong color on some printer drivers.
v2014.207 Mar 28, 2014 Low v2014.207 allows photo mat group sizing via click/drag and via the print properties button.  Also fixed: copyright/signature editing on photo mats.
v2014.206 Mar 27, 2014 Med v2014.206 includes improved edges (guide lines, etc.) for photo mats and fixes some minor photo mat bugs.
v2014.205 Mar 25, 2014 Med v2014.205 includes fixes and improvements for the new photo mat features.  See the photo mat video.
v2014.204 Mar 24, 2014 High v2014.204 includes the following:
  • New photo mat feature: Create photo mats with uneven borders, nesting, and more: right click on prints and use "Photo Mats"  (video coming soon)!
  • Grouping: Improved the print grouping feature so that print rotation can be accomplished in groups.
  • Bug fixes: Fixed minor bugs and UI glitches.
v2014.203 Mar 17, 2014 Low v2014.203 updates the color management engine to the new LCMS 2.6 (released March 16) and fixes the border color dropper in the full page editor.
v2014.202 Mar 15, 2014 Low v2014.202 includes some minor UI fixes and improvements.
v2014.201 Mar 14, 2014 High v2014.201 fixes some rough edges in the UI related to grouping and arranging prints in freehand mode.
v2014.200 Mar 11, 2014 High v2014.200 is a major release with many new features and fixes:
  • Uneven borders: The sky is the limit with new colored templates.  Create unlimited, uneven borders and more! See the video.
  • Print grouping: Use templates to group prints: all prints within (on top of) a template move together when the template is moved.
  • EXIF date shot sort: Ability to sort thumbs by EXIF date/time.  See Edit, Preferences, Thumb Sort.
  • Stability improvements: Corrected some stability issues that could cause crashes in some situations.
  • Print orientation fix: Fixed a bug where prints could occasionally print in the wrong orientation (180 degrees rotated from the preview).
  • B+ border fix: Fixed a bug where B+ borders were not working with larger prints and "size by one dimension".
  • UI improvements: Fixes and improvements to various UI controls incl. new method for setting/using print property defaults.
v2014.140 Mar 3, 2014 Med v2014.140 includes the following:
  • Print-to-file: New "RIP individual prints" option allows creating one image file per print (no white space).
  • Print-to-file: More user friendly setup options when using "File", "Print To", "File" plus some related bug fixes.
  • Print placement: Ctrl + arrows in full page editor now not only finds the edges of other prints but also centers to/within other prints!
  • Sound: Fixed a bug where the "click" sound could still be heard even if UI sounds were turned off.
v2014.139 Feb 17, 2014 Low v2014.139 adds informative popup messages and UI sounds and improves data input of border sizes.
v2014.138 Feb 14, 2014 Med v2014.138 includes the following:
  • Fade away messages: Popups for messages like "images placed on deck" fade automatically (no clicking necessary).
  • Remove white space: Fixed "Remove White Space at Bottom of Page" option when paper is in landscape orientation.
  • Borders: Corrected some issues when using borders with print cropping turned off.
v2014.137 Feb 5, 2014 Med v2014.137 includes the following:
  • New On Deck area: Ability to place photos "on deck": a handy holding area for subsequent processing/printing!
  • On Deck management: Automatically prompts to remove from on deck once images on deck have been printed, converted, etc.
  • UI improvements: Improvements such as right click menus showing number of thumbs/prints selected at the bottom of the menu.
v2014.136 Jan 28, 2014 High v2014.136 includes the following:
  • Major raw photo update: More than 50 new cameras supported!  There are too many to list so scroll down on this page - bold entries are new.
  • Sony raw support: Qimage Ultimate exclusive: camera white balance now supported for all Sony camera models!
  • Raw photo black levels: Auto black level improved for all models, including previously supported models.
  • Minor bug fixes: Fixed some minor UI glitches.
v2014.135 Jan 7, 2014 Low v2014.135 automatically rotates floating text to match image rotation from the image editor and fixes reading of embedded size/PPI in JPEG images.
v2014.134 Jan 5, 2014 Low v2014.134 allows preview of sharpening at any zoom in the editor and fixes some display glitches when exiting the DB search dialog.
v2014.133 12/30/13 Med v2014.133 fixes folder description/creator not being visible on startup plus a potential crash when searching the database.
v2014.132 12/27/13 Low v2014.132 includes the following:
  • Database search: Added a thumbnail scroller to the search window.
  • Database search: Thumbnails that meet search criteria are now selected after each search.
  • Thumb builder: Faster thumbnail building and smoother transitions when changing folders.
v2014.131 12/17/13 Low v2014.131 includes the following:
  • Sony A7/A7R raw: Lens distortion correction profile updated for the 28-70 kit lens.
  • Image editor: Filter toggle (yellow button on filter preview) automatically toggles the most recent change.
v2014.130 12/04/13 Med v2014.130 includes the following:
  • Sony A7/A7R raw: Lens distortion correction added for the 28-70 kit lens.
  • Sony RX100: Lens distortion correction added.
  • DB search: Preview function on DB search window is now faster (raw cache is not built while previewing).
v2014.129 12/03/13 Low v2014.129 includes the following:
  • Sony A7/A7R raw: fixed WB issue when adjusting WB manually.
  • New raw clipping indicator: Hold the shift key while refining a raw photo to see the areas that are clipped (overexposed).
  • Minor UI fixes: Fixed misaligned controls on the refine window when using skins other than the new Darkroom 2014 skin.
v2014.128 11/28/13 Med v2014.128 adds raw support for the Sony A7 and A7R.  Also fixed an instance where prints could rotate the wrong way on the page.
v2014.127 11/20/13 High v2014.127 includes the following:
  • Database backup: New database backup/restore tool under "Utilities", "Manage Database" on main menu.
  • Database search: New "not" feature.  Example: use search words "red" and "-fred" to find "red" but omit the results containing "fred".
  • Database search: Search window can now be semi-transparent while using the "preview" function so thumbs underneath are visible.
  • Size by number: Improved the size "by number of prints" feature to pick more reasonable rows/cols when a total is specified.
  • Color management fix: Fixed photos with cutouts printing with the wrong color space if a page background color was used.
  • UI improvements: Global increase of font size makes many windows, dialogs, and messages easier to read.
  • UI fixes: Fixed minor display and numeric entry issues on some windows/dialogs.
v2014.126 11/13/13 Med v2014.126 includes the following:
  • Database search tool: File/folder name search now allows specifying multiple preferred search folders.
  • File display: "File name only" display option is now much faster and easier to scroll.
  • Print to file: Fixed embedded size (PPI) in saved JPEG files and occasional inability to return to "print to printer".
  • Size by number of prints: Fixed size by "number of prints per page" so that template placement is used.
  • UI improvements: Improved some background colors on the save/recall dialog.
v2014.125 11/12/13 Med v2014.125 includes the following:
  • Smart color: Improved smart color to handle a wider variety of photos.
  • Database search tool: Added the ability to search based on file or folder name to find non-databased photos.
  • Canon 6D raw: Added an ICC profile for Canon 6D raw photo developing.
  • UI improvements: Fixed some color inconsistencies when using skins other than the 2014 dark skin.
v2014.124 11/09/13 Low v2014.124 offers minor adjustments to the smart color routine based on user feedback.
v2014.123 11/08/13 Med v2014.123 includes the following:
  • Raw smart color: Revolutionary smart color routine automatically evaluates each raw photo to produce outstanding color (turn on/off in refine raw dialog).
  • Editor smart color: Check all color channels on the smart color dialog (on the Sel Clr tab in the image editor) to utilize new smart color routine on JPEG's, TIFF's, etc.
  • Raw refine: New "Raw refine" button on each raw thumbnail makes it easier to refine raw exposures with one click.
  • 3D photo fix: Fixed a problem where some 3D thumbnails (MPO files) showed only one of the two side-by-side pictures.
  • UI improvements: Minor UI polishing.
v2014.122 10/30/13 Med v2014.122 includes the following:
  • Image databasing: Database search tool now includes modification date, allows sorting by column, and offers a "Browse entire database" option!
  • Print rotation: Fixed one remaining scenario where prints may rotate in the wrong direction on the preview page.
v2014.121 10/23/13 Med v2014.121 includes the following:
  • File list: Back by popular demand is the option to show a super-fast file list format that shows photos by name/details instead of thumbnails.
  • File list: To quickly switch between file/thumbnail view, click the "Menu Cheater" button and choose option 15 or 16.
  • Fit to page improvement: The fit-to-page sizing option has been improved so that it does not create a poster when used with B+ borders.
  • Minor UI improvements: Improved visibility of the menu cheater dialog and responsiveness of the Instaview feature.
v2014.120 10/15/13 Med v2014.120 includes the following:
  • Print rotation: Fixed a bug where the print rotation buttons on the print properties dialog sometimes rotated prints in the wrong direction.
  • Profile/file selection: Fixed a minor issue where profile/file lists would inadvertently scroll/select when choosing the last item on the list.
  • Minor UI improvements: Improved visibility of some controls when the control is disabled.
v2014.119 10/08/13 Med v2014.119 includes the following:
  • Image databasing: Add both a description and creator to any folder or photo (allows searching for specific subjects shot by named photographers).
  • Database search: UI improvements and added features allow more versatile user data searches.
  • Remove white space: Improved the "Remove white space" function so it doesn't cut pages too close to the last print on the page.
  • Under the hood: Various operational improvements and fixes.
v2014.118 10/02/13 Low v2014.118 fixes the right click menu when using Instaview from the preview page.
v2014.117 09/19/13 Med v2014.117 fixes a crash when using the copyright/signature dialog and also improves various UI controls.
v2014.116 09/11/13 Low v2014.116 fixes the "No rating" selection after clicking the "i" button on a thumbnail.
v2014.115 08/21/13 Low v2014.115 improves the main window folder browser by removing unneeded items like "Recycle Bin" and improving compatibility across Windows versions.
v2014.114 08/19/13 Med v2014.114 offers a dramatic speed improvement when working with photos on a network and fixes visibility of items on the Page Margins dialog.
v2014.113 08/16/13 Low v2014.113 offers improved UI controls on the selective color tab in the photo editor.
v2014.112 08/15/13 Low v2014.112 includes the following:
  • Examiner/comparator: A new super smooth image examiner/comparator with zero flicker allows you to scroll and easily swap two side-by-side images to compare subtle details!
  • Print auto-rotation: Updated print auto-rotation algorithm to consistently rotate prints when switching between portrait and landscape page orientation.
v2014.111 08/10/13 High v2014.111 fixes printer profiles not working when print interpolation set to "off".  Also, "Purge Jobs" button now updates after print processing is complete.
v2014.110 08/07/13 Low v2014.110 adds the ability to print user descriptions via floating text.
v2014.109 08/06/13 Low v2014.109 adds an option to clean orphaned database entries to the "Utilities" menu and offers some optimizations to the database search.
v2014.108 08/05/13 Low v2014.108 adds "search everything" to the description search dialog: use the button or enter a word and press <enter> twice as a shortcut.
v2014.107 08/05/13 Low v2014.107 was superseded by v2014.108 above.
v2014.106 08/04/13 Low v2014.106 automatically fixes file permission problems caused by switching between admin/limited user accounts.
v2014.105 08/03/13 Low v2014.105 includes the following:
  • Image databasing features: Ability to edit folder descriptions right from the search results grid after using "Search Folders"!
  • Copy database info: Folder/photo descriptions are automatically copied when using "File", "Update" from Flash Card Copy/Move, facilitating database backup.
  • UI improvements: Minor UI improvements to help streamline new image databasing features.
v2014.104 08/01/13 Low v2014.104 fixes an installation error that occurred on fresh installs.
v2014.103 07/31/13 Med v2014.103 fixes launch and close error messages that were appearing on some systems.
v2014.102 07/30/13 Med v2014.102 includes the following:
  • Updated color management engine: LCMS 2.5 offers improved black point compensation and some fixes for better ICC profile support.
  • Improved sharpening: Improved sharpening (both USM and DFS) offers subtle improvements, particularly for images with narrow color range.
  • Fixes: Fixed some minor UI glitches and a bug related to using very thin borders (~ 0.01 inch).
v2014.101 07/27/13 Med v2014.101 fixes some minor UI glitches.
v2014.100 07/26/13 High v2014.100 includes the following:

Welcome to 2014 (Overview)

Qimage Ultimate 2014 comes with some major improvements and new pricing for 2014.  UI improvements reduce eyestrain while making controls more readable, and new image databasing tools allow you to add user descriptions to any folder, album, or photo, with the ability to search those descriptions to locate important photos and events.  Entering user descriptions couldn't be easier: just browse to a folder and your thumbnails are displayed automatically.  If you would like to enter a description for that folder, simply type the description under the folder name on the main window.  It's as simple as that!  Want to enter a description for individual photos?  Click the small "i" button on any thumbnail and enter your description.  The "i" turns blue, letting you know a description exists for that thumbnail.  Hold your mouse over any blue "i" indicator on any thumbnail to see the description, or click to change.

These non-invasive tools allow you to enter data and search your existing photo folders without being forced to fumble with clumsy "collections".  If you already have your photos stored in sensible folders by event, date, subject, etc. and you don't need the new data tools: simply access your existing folder structure immediately.  If you'd like to supplement your existing photos (or locations) with user descriptions, just enter them as you go.  No clumsy data workflows required: no "importing" or "syncing" necessary and no new hoops to jump through just because you want to be able to enter and search descriptions!

Oh, and the 2014 pricing?  With all these improvements, you'd think we increased the price.  But we didn't!  Regular price is now $74.99 with $5 off for trying the demo, so you can get Qimage Ultimate for $69.99 by ordering from the trial!


UI Improvements, Raw Photo Update, and New Tools

  • Major UI improvements: New Darkroom 2014 skin offers a more modern look, easier to read fonts, and improved controls.
  • Major raw photo upgrade: Many new cameras supported (too many to list) plus improvements in processing speed.
  • New album tool: When viewing an album, click the "Display folders" button above the thumbs to see photo locations!
  • Back button: New back button next to folder history allows you to go back to the previous folder/album.

Image Databasing

  • Image databasing: Very easy to use UI allows you to add user descriptions to your albums, folders and individual images!
  • Flash card copy/move: Add a description from the get-go when you load new photos from a flash card.
  • Folders/albums: When you browse to a new folder or album, simply type your description for that folder/album on the main window.
  • Images: Click the small "i" button on any thumbnail to add a description, then hover over any blue "i" to see the description.
  • Search tools: Click the search button (binoculars) above the thumbnails to search folder, album, image descriptions.
  • Non-invasive user data: Enter a description for any existing folder, album, or photo: no need to redo your library with "collections"!


Qimage Ultimate 2013 Releases
Version Released Priority Description
v2013.125 06/26/13 Low v2013.125 includes the following:
  • Instaview improvement: Instaview no longer interferes while dragging to size prints on the preview page.
  • Print spooler job date: Date format in Windows spooler job name changed to YYYY/MM/DD to match saved print job name.
  • Registration completion: Fixed registration completion not sticking on systems using Japanese and other Unicode languages.
  • Purchasing options: Link to renew expired registrations plus special offers from the "Help" menu.
v2013.124 06/05/13 Low v2013.124 includes the following:
  • New Smart Color Boost: Boost saturated colors, foliage, and "wake up" your photos without making them look "cooked"!  See the "Sel Color" tab in the photo editor.
  • Instaview improvement: Improved responsiveness of mouse click/hold to instaview thumbnails.
  • Print to file fix: Fixed a bug that was causing some cropped photos to print in the wrong orientation.
v2013.123 05/26/13 Med v2013.123 includes a completely redesigned print-to-file UI that allows you to quickly and easily create optimally sized and sharpened photos for online or kiosk printing!  Simply use "File", "Print To", select "File" and follow the step by step instructions to batch process photos at any size, creating optimal quality and sharpening.  Then upload the processed photos to your online printing service or copy them to a flash card for kiosk printing!
v2013.122 05/21/13 Low v2013.122 includes the following:
  • New quick comparator: select any two thumbnails and right click to "Compare Two Images".
  • Print detail meter: hover over any print to see a detail-vs-size rating from "poor" to "excellent".
  • Minor fixes: fixed some minor UI glitches.
v2013.121 05/07/13 Med v2013.121 includes the following:
  • UI improvements: updated internals such as video drivers and startup routines provide smoother, faster navigation and startup times.
  • Redesigned instaview: instaview has is less obtrusive and easier to operate: just hold the left mouse button to activate.
  • Fixes: minor UI fixes and improvements.
v2013.120 03/20/13 Med v2013.120 offers super fast raw processing: edit/view your raws 2-3x faster (as soon as thumbnails are available)!
v2013.119 03/04/13 Low v2013.119 includes a codebase update and adds Image Examiner to auto-instaview options.
v2013.118 03/03/13 Low v2013.118 adds the ability to toggle auto-instaview on/off with the middle mouse button.
v2013.117 03/02/13 Low v2013.117 adds new right click options to the instaview feature.
v2013.116 03/01/13 Low v2013.116 further refines the auto-instaview feature.
v2013.115 02/28/13 Low v2013.115 refines the new auto-instaview function for smoother operation.
v2013.114 02/27/13 Med v2013.114 fixes the ability to select "Optimal/spaced" print placement.
v2013.113 02/26/13 Med v2013.113 includes:
  • Windows spooler control: clear jobs for the current printer using the cancel print button (top right of main window).
  • New auto-instaview: rest your mouse on any thumb, print, or queue item to auto-enlarge (can be enabled/disabled).
  • Page bkgd color: non-white page background colors (if used) are now fully color managed.
v2013.112 02/20/13 Low v2013.112 includes:
  • Minor fixes: fixed a "set print rotation" bug and improved thumbnail display of cutouts when using non-white page bkgd.
  • Registration: fixed "unable to contact site" error when registering the paid version on Windows XP.
v2013.111 02/11/13 Low v2013.111 includes:
  • Square page fix: fixed a print placement bug when using pages that are exactly square.
  • Print placement fix: fixed a 1 pixel placement difference when using "Center" versus "Optimal Spaced" print placement.
  • Thumb/print limit: increased the maximum number of thumbnails/prints from 2,000 to 10,000.
  • Memory management: minor memory improvement to support images up to 1 GB (~300 megapixels) on 64 bit systems.
v2013.110 01/26/13 Low v2013.110 includes:
  • Raw update: new camera profiles for Pentax K-5, Pentax Q, and Minolta DiMAGE A2.
  • Raw update: lens distortion correction for Panasonic Lumix Vario 14mm/f2.5 lens
  • Bug fix: fixed the "Cancel" option when using "Open Filter Parameters" in the image editor.
v2013.109 01/14/13 Med v2013.109 fixes a bug where the preview window sometimes appeared on its own while editing an image (filter).
v2013.108 01/13/13 Med v2013.108 includes:
  • A major raw update that adds support for 32 new camera models:
    Canon PowerShot G15
    Canon PowerShot S110
    Canon PowerShot SX50 HS
    Canon EOS 6D
    Canon EOS M
    Casio EX-ZR100
    Fuji F800EXR
    Fuji X-E1
    Fuji XF1
    Leica D-LUX6
    Leica V-LUX4
    Nikon D600
    Nikon 1 J2
    Nikon 1 V2
    Nikon Coolpix P7700
    Olympus E-PL5
    Olympus E-PM2
    Olympus XZ-2
    Panasonic DMC-FZ200
    Panasonic DMC-G5
    Panasonic DMC-GH3
    Panasonic DMC-LX7
    Pentax K-5 II
    Pentax K-5 II s
    Samsung EX2F
    Samsung NX210
    Sigma DP1 Merill
    Sigma DP2 Merill
    Sony DSC-RX1
    Sony NEX-5R
    Sony NEX-6
    Sony SLT-A99V
  • All camera (raw) ICC profiles are now included free and install automatically! (registered version only)
  • Added lens distortion correction for Panasonic 7-14mm lens when shooting raw photos
  • TTS (tone targeted sharpening) indicator: shows last chosen location when dropper is clicked. (newly created filters only)
v2013.107 12/12/12 Low v2013.107 includes one final fix for D800E raw photos.
v2013.106 12/11/12 Low v2013.106 includes the following:
  • New filter toggle tool: Right click on the yellow button on the filter preview in the image editor and choose any filter.  Then hold the yellow button to toggle that filter on/off to review its effect!
  • Raw update: Raw support has either been added or fixed for the following cameras:

Leica V-LUX3
Nikon D800E
Samsung NX1000
Sony DSC-RX100 (AWB only: dcraw does not currently support camera WB for the RX100)

v2013.105 12/03/12 Low v2013.105 fixes a preview page bug when printing posters and an image editor bug related to using the mirror filter after applying rotation.
v2013.104 11/30/12 Med v2013.104 includes the following:
  • New "Darkroom" skin: The new default "Darkroom" skin improves clarity of photos and reduces eyestrain via a more subdued gray UI.
  • Updated color management engine: New color management engine improves color fidelity and provides full support for the ICC 4.3 spec.
  • UI improvements: Various UI improvements and fixes.
  • Windows 8: Minor UI adjustments for Windows 8 systems.
v2013.103 10/30/12 Low v2013.103 fixes the by-channel saturation filter in the image editor and includes some minor UI improvements.
v2013.102 10/25/12 Low v2013.102 includes a fix for using and exiting the raw refine tool without any changes while inside the image editor.
v2013.101 10/16/12 Med v2013.101 includes the following:
  • Image editor: Improvements to the filter preview dialog, specifically with respect to blemish/red-eye correction.
  • DFS: Minor improvement to the new deep focus sharpening algorithm to better handle specular highlights and fine detail.
v2013.100 10/15/12 High Introducing Qimage Ultimate 2013!  We've been working diligently to bring you new innovations that will take photo and print detail to new levels!  Our new Deep Focus Sharpening (DFS) is an innovative new sharpening method that allows sharpening deep into the details without introducing artifacts such as haloes, specular clipping, and noise grain.  Qimage Ultimate 2013 uses DFS to sharpen both photos and prints, rendering super sharp photographic prints, conversions, and upsampled copies without the harshness and artifacts typically associated with the older unsharp mask (USM).  Be sure to upgrade to Qimage Ultimate 2013 so you can enjoy even clearer, sharper prints.  We've also made a host of improvements to the UI to improve workflows such as the ability to open the raw (refine) editor from the image editor window, ability to selectively see and clear image edits, and more!  v2013.100 is also Windows 8 ready!


Qimage Ultimate 2012 Releases
Version Released Priority Description
v2012.221 07/18/12 Med v2012.221 adds new folder history features (buttons to right of history bar) and fixes a raw cache building bug.
v2012.220 07/17/12 Low v2012.220 includes:
  • Eliminated the delay when switching folders while raw photos (thumbnails or cache) are being built.
  • Fixed an inaccurate count in the number-of-prints column from the job save/recall dialog.
  • Improved the "Rebuild selected thumbs" function so position in the thumbnail grid is maintained (no longer scrolls to the top).
v2012.219 07/04/12 Low v2012.219 includes:
  • A major raw update that adds support for 31 new camera models:

    Canon PowerShot G1 X
    Canon PowerShot SX220 HS
    Canon EOS 5D Mark III
    Canon EOS 650D / Digital Rebel T4i / Kiss Digital X6i
    Canon EOS-1D X
    Casio EX-Z8
    Fuji HS30EXR
    Fuji F600EXR
    Fuji F770EXR
    Fuji X-Pro1
    Fuji X-S1
    Nikon D4
    Nikon D3200
    Nikon D800
    Nikon D800E
    Nikon Coolpix P7100
    Olympus E-M5
    Panasonic DMC-GF5
    Samsung NX20
    Sigma SD15
    Sigma SD1
    Sigma SD1 Merill
    Sigma DP1
    Sigma DP1S
    Sigma DP1X
    Sigma DP2
    Sigma DP2S
    Sigma DP2X
    Sony NEX-7
    Sony NEX-F3
    Sony SLT-A37
    Sony SLT-A57

  • Also included is a new feature to rebuild only the selected thumbnails (right click in thumbs to access)
v2012.218 06/11/12 Med v2012.218 includes fixes and optimizations:
  • Fixed canvas shrinkage compensation when used in conjunction with borders and edge/corner markers.
  • Fixed a bug related to using "Send to photo editor" immediately after choosing a new printer profile.
  • Added lens correction to Fuji X10 raw photos.
  • Code optimizations to improve overall processing speed.
  • Display optimizations to improve UI smoothness, scrolling frame rates, etc.
v2012.217 03/15/12 Low v2012.217 includes a canvas shrinkage calculator: just right click on the canvas shrinkage compensation field on the job properties tab.
v2012.216 03/05/12 Low v2012.216 includes the following:
  • Process larger files: v2012.216 allows opening very large files: up to 1.5GB and beyond with some compressed formats under Win7 x64.
  • Canvas shrinkage compensation: Check the job properties tab for the new canvas shrinkage compensation feature.
  • Fix: Fixed a bug where the print properties button was not working on prints that have a mirror edge border.
v2012.215 01/25/12 Low v2012.215 improves compatibility of saved/converted JPEG and TIFF files and adds support for raw photos from the following new cameras:

     Powershot S100



     1 J1
     1 V1





v2012.214 01/03/12 Low v2012.214 fixes a problem with *.tiff and *.jpeg files not showing on some systems.
v2012.213 12/13/11 Low v2012.213 adds raw photo support for Panasonic GH1 and GH2 cameras shooting with Olympus lenses.
v2012.212 12/12/11 Low v2012.212 fixes intermittent errors WRT the image info panel and bugs related to cameras with short model names like "X10".
v2012.211 11/29/11 Low v2012.211 improves the raw refine dialog on multi-monitor systems and fixes a crash when using very large blemish filters.
v2012.210 11/19/11 Low v2012.210 fixes the prev/next buttons on the raw refine dialog.
v2012.209 11/17/11 Low v2012.209 fixes some minor UI bugs including one where image edits were getting reset when the editor window was moved.
v2012.208 11/16/11 Low v2012.208 uses the mouse scroll wheel to open/close the raw zoom tool.  Also fixes a margins bug WRT freehand placement.
v2012.207 11/15/11 Low v2012.207 offers a larger raw refine dialog with a new zoom tool.  Updated video driver offers smoother UI control.
v2012.206 10/30/11 Low v2012.206 fixes a bug that was causing the image editor to open at the wrong size on dual monitor systems.
v2012.205 10/28/11 Low v2012.205 adds a window fade option in preferences and fixes a display bug when using the WB dropper in raw refine.
v2012.204 10/11/11 Low v2012.204 enables soft proofing of images with grayscale profiles and fixes a bug related to the undo function in the image editor.
v2012.203 10/05/11 Low v2012.203 fixes a bug that was causing the hover-hint on the preview page to stop working after using menu hot keys.
v2012.202 09/27/11 Low v2012.202 improves TIFF loading efficiency to increase performance and compatibility with very large TIFF images.
v2012.201 09/26/11 Low v2012.201 improves the raw photo auto fill light and corrects an issue with the Qimage Ultimate Windows "Send To" function.
v2012.200 09/23/11 Low v2012.200 is the most significant update to Qimage Ultimate since its initial release in July 2010:
  • All new build: Complete code review/rewrite includes bug fixes, new memory manager, new device drivers, etc.
  • Color management: Color management engine updated to latest LCMS 2.2.
  • TIFF support: Expanded file compatibility supports TIFFs in all flavors: with alpha channels, "per channel" pixel order, Mac byte order, etc.
  • IPTC support: All new IPTC support includes bug fixes and allows for multi-language metadata.
  • Printers: Brand new (saved) printer setup format for maximum printer and OS compatibility.  Note: newly saved printer setups/jobs (from v2012.200+) cannot be opened by old/prior versions.
  • Speed: New device drivers enable faster and smoother screen operations and smoother operation of dialogs and controls.
  • Future: New Unicode code base allows for future multi-platform/multi-language development: 64 bit version already being explored for possible release later in 2012.
v2012.104 09/14/11 Low v2012.104 corrects an issue where the wrong color space was recognized when image files contain multiple (inapplicable) ICC profiles.
v2012.103 09/05/11 Low v2012.103 is an additional quick fix for converting 3D photos using "honor print crops".
v2012.102 09/05/11 Low v2012.102 fixes the "honor print crops" option when converting 3D photos and adds a new vignette cutout filter to the image editor.
v2012.101 09/02/11 Low v2012.101 fixes some minor UI glitches and adds support for raw photos from the following new cameras:

     Powershot SX30 IS

     D-Lux 2
     D-Lux 5



Red One
     Redcode R3D


v2012.100 08/15/11 Low v2012.100 includes the following:
  • UI refinements: The user interface has been improved for 2012.  Included are some bug fixes, visual refinements, and improvements to the way the print properties dialog opens and closes via the main window.
  • Raw photography: New auto black level detection removes haze from some difficult raw shots, allowing for maximum clarity.  Option can be turned on/off via raw format options or on an individual basis by using raw refine and clicking on the exposure grid to activate the new exposure options.
  • 3D photography: Both MPO and JPS 3D photo formats are now supported.  New 3D preferences allow conversion of 3D MPO/JPS files to "side by side" JPG files that are compatible with all 3D televisions, allowing you to view your 3D photos on your DLNA 3D TV!  We're working on lenticular printing support for 3D photos and plan to have 3D lenticular printing available in late 2011 or early 2012.
  • Fixes: Various bug fixes and refinements improve the overall user experience.


Qimage Ultimate 2011 Releases
Version Released Priority Description
v2011.136 06/08/11 Low v2011.136 adds an indicator on each individual thumbnail showing when the raw cache has finished building.  This version also improves support for printing grayscale images w/grayscale profiles.
v2011.135 05/22/11 Low v2011.135 fixes a bug that caused inaccurate paper/ink analysis for jobs saved in metric units.
v2011.134 05/21/11 Med v2011.134 corrects some inaccuracies associated with the new paper/ink analysis function.
v2011.133 05/19/11 Low v2011.133 adds media usage to the new paper/ink analysis function and new popup hints for the preview page.  This version also fixes some issues with the 4 print limit in the trial.
v2011.132 05/17/11 Low v2011.132 includes a new function to tally paper/ink usage from saved jobs and corrects some UI bugs in the raw refine dialog.  See the help text on the new feature here.
v2011.131 05/13/11 Low v2011.131 is a major raw update that supports 16 new camera models:

     EOS 60D
     EOS 600D (Rebel T3i)
     EOS 1100D (Rebel T3)

     FinePix HS20EXR
     FinePix F550EXR
     FinePix X100







v2011.130 05/05/11 Low v2011.130 includes a minor improvement for the raw photo auto fill light plus an update to the Flash Card Copy/Move feature to allow it to recognize 3D (MPO format) files as photos.
v2011.129 05/04/11 Low v2011.129 enhances performance of the auto fill light for raw images with extreme contrast and/or bright center subjects.
v2011.128 05/02/11 Low v2011.128 includes improvements to the auto fill light to make raw photos even more accurate and consistent.  Please rebuild raw thumbs/cache to see the improvements.
v2011.127 04/29/11 Low v2011.127 introduces auto fill light, taking raw photo developing to the next level!  Click here for details.
v2011.126 04/24/11 Low v2011.126 eliminates an error message when saving/converting images that have corrupted EXIF tags.
v2011.125 04/21/11 Med v2011.125 contains an improvement to the new Fusion interpolation that prevents DOWNsampled images (small prints) from appearing soft.
v2011.124 04/20/11 Low v2011.124 sets a new standard for print sharpness and detail with exclusive Fusion interpolation.  See the technology page for details.
v2011.123 03/30/11 Low v2011.123 supports the MPO file format for 3D photo viewing/printing including 3D compatible print cropping!  A few minor bug fixes are also included.  See the 3D Photos video for details on new 3D features.
v2011.122 03/23/11 Low v2011.122 automatically rebuilds raw thumbs/cache when raw files are changed outside of QU.  Refined raw photos will be rebuilt once with this new version: this is normal.  Some minor UI glitches are also fixed in this version.
v2011.121 03/15/11 Low v2011.121 adds "Browse Selected Image's Folder" to the thumbnail right click menu (useful when browsing albums) and some general cosmetic improvements.
v2011.120 03/09/11 Low v2011.120 offers a fix for dual monitor support and some cosmetic fixes for the Flash Card Copy/Move dialog.
v2011.119 03/08/11 Low v2011.119 adds an "Update" feature to the "File" menu on the Flash Card Copy/Move dialog that helps you keep your backups in sync!  Minor bug fixes are also included in this version.
v2011.118 02/27/11 Med v2011.118 fixes one remaining issue from v2001.117 regarding the Print Properties window blocking some underlying dialogs.
v2011.117 02/26/11 Med v2011.117 fixes a v2011.116 bug that was causing some dialogs to appear behind the main window, giving the appearance of a lockup/freeze.
v2011.116 02/25/11 Low v2011.116 offers minor display optimizations and fixes.
v2011.115 02/21/11 Low v2011.115 includes a small visual improvement to the "Sample" preview page on the main window.
v2011.114 02/14/11 Low v2011.114 is a raw update that improves black levels and color balance on some cameras and adds raw photo support for the latest cameras:

     Powershot S95





v2011.113 01/19/11 Low v2011.113 includes a much more thorough "Help", "Analyze Current Settings" to detect potential conflicts in settings and offers a few cosmetic display/window fixes.
v2011.112 01/14/11 Low v2011.112 fixes a bug related to the print border color not updating properly in the Print Properties dialog when selecting prints on the preview page.
v2011.111 01/06/11 Low v2011.111 offers fully optimized raw lens distortion correction for Panasonic G-series and LX5 cameras.  See this page for details.
v2011.110 01/05/11 Low v2011.110 offers further UI refinements and improves raw format lens distortion correction for the Panasonic LX5 and all G-series cameras.
v2011.109 12/29/10 Low v2011.109 offers some minor UI refinements and adds automatic lens distortion correction for raw photos from the following cameras:

     PowerShot S90
     PowerShot S95

     PEN E-P1
     PEN E-P2
     PEN E-PL1


v2011.108 12/17/10 Low v2011.108 fixes a print rotation bug WRT printing almost-square images and a bug in guide lines when using print-to-file.
v2011.107 12/15/10 Low v2011.107 includes additional UI tweaks to support 1024 x 600 screens found on netbooks and tablet PC's.
v2011.106 12/14/10 Low v2011.106 includes UI tweaks to support 1024 x 600 screens found on netbooks and tablet PC's.
v2011.105 11/23/10 Low v2011.105 includes barrel distortion correction for all lenses on all Panasonic G series cameras when shooting raw photos.  Previously, only the G1 and GH1 cameras with 14-140 lens were supported.
v2011.104 11/17/10 Med v2011.104 includes the following:
  • Major raw update supports many new camera models:

     Powershot G12
     PowerShot SX120 IS


     Coolpix P7000







  • Roll paper trimming function: New option allows users to resize the page so that it is no longer than necessary, removing white space at the bottom of the page to save roll paper.  Simply start with a long paper length and when you have finished setting up the job, right click on the preview page and select "Remove White Space at Bottom of Page".  The page will be resized so that it is only as long as needed for the current job.
  • Bug fix: Fixed a bug that was causing a "file in use" error message and subsequent lockup during some file saving/conversion operations on Windows 7 systems.
  • UI improvements: Minor UI tweaks.
v2011.103 11/08/10 Low v2011.103 includes minor color management engine fixes and eliminates crashes caused by corrupted ZIP folders.
v2011.102 10/25/10 Low v2011.102 prevents an error message from appearing when mousing over thumbnails with corrupted EXIF dates.
v2011.101 10/23/10 Med v2011.101 fixes some window focus issues with the new Chrome 2011 skin.
v2011.100 10/20/10 Low v2011.100 is the initial release of Qimage Ultimate 2011.  Changes from Qimage Ultimate 2010 include:
  • Color management engine: A major update to the color management engine ensures optimal quality and compatibility when using all the latest available monitor, printer, and color space ICC profiles.
  • New Chrome 2011 skin: The default skin for Qimage Ultimate 2011 is a more concise skin with neutral colors and controls that are easier to access.
  • Improved thumbnail/raw cache builder: Optimized background process priority to eliminate "CPU hogging" and improve overall performance.


Qimage Ultimate 2010 Releases
Version Released Priority Description
v2010.127 10/15/10 Low v2010.127 fixes a bug related to thumbnails not updating after using the blemish tool on raw photos via the batch editor.
v2010.126 10/13/10 Low v2010.126 fixes some minor glitches on the image editor preview window and a few other windows/dialogs.
v2010.125 10/06/10 Med v2010.125 fixes a bug that was causing v2010.124 to not copy the AWB setting properly across multiple raw photos.
v2010.124 10/05/10 Low v2010.124 includes an AWB option on the raw refine dialog: check AWB to allow Qimage to do its own automatic white balance calculation based on image data.  This version also improves visibility of the raw refine dialog on low resolution displays.
v2010.123 10/04/10 Low v2010.123 includes the following:
  • Raw highlight recovery: A highlight recovery option has been added to the raw refine dialog: clicking once on a tile in the exposure grid exposes for that area of the image as always, but now you can click a second time on the same tile to recover maximum highlight detail in the selected area!
  • User sizeable Flash Card Copy/Move dialog: The Flash Card Copy/Move dialog can now be sized taller to accommodate more (visible) rows in the operations table.
  • Other improvements: This version also improves some EXIF info/display dialogs.
v2010.122 09/29/10 Low v2010.122 includes the following:
  • Single raw HDR: The raw refine dialog now includes a significantly improved fill light and a new "HDR" slider.  To create high dynamic range photos, simply expose for the highlights when you take your raw photo and then when refining your raw in Qimage Ultimate, add enough fill to brighten the shadows.  Then simply drag the "HDR" slider to the right to recover any lost detail in the highlights by compressing the dynamic range.  By operating only the fill and HDR sliders, its easy to create beautiful HDR photos from a single raw exposure!  In many cases (when dynamic range isn't extreme), single raw HDR photos produce better results than many people are achieving with multiple exposures.  Note: the fill light in both the raw refine dialog and the (non raw) image editor have been improved and may show slight differences from prior versions.  Please double check for proper fill and exposure prior to printing photos when fill light was added in previous versions of Qimage/Qimage Ultimate.
  • Fixes and improvements: Fixed some minor bugs and made some slight improvements to some windows and dialogs.

Learn more about Qimage Ultimate single raw HDR (with examples): tech-hdr.htm

v2010.121 09/15/10 Low v2010.121 adds two new features related to emailing photos and managing photo albums:
  • Emailing photos: Added the ability to send original photos along with any filters via email.  Simply select thumbnail(s) and then right click and select "Send Via Email".  The new option "Send Original Files - don't convert" will attach the selected photos along with any Qimage raw refinements and (editing) filters that belong to those photos.  This feature is useful when you want to email original photos without converting them to JPEGs, particularly when the recipient owns Qimage and may benefit from your Qimage editing and refinements.
  • Albums: When an album is opened via the "Open Album" button above the thumbnails, a prompt will appear asking if you would like to open the album or the folder IF the album only contains one full folder of images.  This is useful when opening albums created via the "Flash Card Copy/Move" process since it makes finding single download folders easier.
v2010.120 09/14/10 Low v2010.120 fixes a bug related to the new date sorting found in versions 118 and 119.
v2010.119 09/12/10 Low v2010.119 further improves thumbnail sorting by date to account for fast/continuous shooting.
v2010.118 09/10/10 Low v2010.118 improves thumbnail sorting by date to account for fast/continuous shooting.
v2010.117 09/07/10 Med v2010.117 includes smoother operation of the image editor preview window plus a fix for the raw refine window occasionally locking up on some systems.
v2010.116 09/01/10 Low v2010.116 fixes an occasional "abstract error" and an error when moving/sizing the full page editor.
v2010.115 09/01/10 Low v2010.115 offers more ways to open/close the Print Properties dialog when in manual mode.  Click the "?" button on the Print Properties dialog for details.
v2010.114 08/31/10 Low v2010.114 offers the option to manually control when the Print Properties dialog opens/closes.  Click the blue question mark on the Print Properties dialog for details.
v2010.113 08/27/10 Low v2010.113 contains performance optimizations that improve handling of very large (>250MB) images plus a shadow noise filter that is 1.6x faster.
v2010.112 08/24/10 Low v2010.112 includes UI fixes and refinements for better and faster display of windows and dialogs.
v2010.111 08/20/10 Low v2010.111 offers new options for tone targeted sharpening that allow different areas to be sharpened and softened in the same image.
v2010.110 08/19/10 Low v2010.110 includes enhancements to the preview window in the image editor such as ability to toggle filter on/off plus ability to click a new position on the main image while the preview window is still open.
v2010.109 08/17/10 Low v2010.109 includes some minor UI tweaks and fixes.
v2010.108 08/16/10 Low v2010.108 includes further improvements and features for the tone targeted sharpening image editing filter plus a number of general stability improvements.
v2010.107 08/11/10 Low v2010.107 includes refinements to the tone targeted sharpening image editing filter.
v2010.106 08/10/10 Low v2010.106 includes the following
  • Tone targeted sharpening: New selective sharpening technique allows you to sharpen/soften only certain subjects in the photo simply by using an eyedropper.  Click for details.
  • UI refinements: Improved the open/close behavior of the Print Properties panel and enhanced the hover-info that shows when hovering the mouse over a print on the preview page.
v2010.105 08/07/10 Low v2010.105 increases precision to 0.1mm when sizing/positioning in metric mode and adds some minor UI improvements.
v2010.104 08/04/10 Low v2010.104 now includes the raw cache folder when migrating application data.
v2010.103 08/03/10 Med v2010.103 includes the following:
  • Raw thumbnail building: New dual stage thumbnail builder builds raw thumbnails much faster.  Start working with your raws and create print jobs right away while Qimage Ultimate builds its raw cache invisibly in the background!
  • Build thumbs/cache for entire folder trees: Simply browse to a folder and click "Thumb Builder" from the top menu and select "Build all thumbs/cache" and Qimage Ultimate will build thumbs/cache for all images in the current folder and all subfolders.  This is a great way to start a thumb/cache build to ensure you don't have to wait when navigating to new folders.  Progress of the build is shown above the thumbnails and you can even navigate away from the thumb/cache building to another folder or even close Qimage Ultimate if you don't want to wait for the build to finish.  To resume building the tree of thumbs/cache, just open the saved album "Thumb Build" with the date/time you started the build.  Qimage Ultimate will pick up right where it left off, and will continue down the tree until it is finished!
  • Thumb/cache management: Added new options under "Utilities", "Manage Thumbs and Raw Cache" to help users manage the files that are thumbed or cached by Qimage Ultimate.
  • Fixes: Fixed some minor bugs and occasional error messages.
v2010.102 07/28/10 Low v2010.102 fixes some idiosyncrasies related to when/where the Print Properties panel opens.
v2010.101 07/27/10 Low v2010.101 includes the following:
  • Bug fixes: Eliminated some pop-up error message that could occur while using the full page editor such as "index out of bounds" and "cannot focus" popup messages.
  • Print properties (size) popup: Improved the controls found on the "Print Properties" auto-popup panel such as the ability to scroll through sizes with the mouse wheel plus tool button improvements.
  • Faster raw thumb building: Improved thumbnail building (and Lightning Raw caching) speed for raw photos by 15% to 25%.
v2010.100 07/24/10 N/A v2010.100 is the initial release of Qimage Ultimate!
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